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P'Dear's POV

Walking into the bar, I wave at the bartender, who jerks his chin toward the back of the room. Looking over, I can see my nongs sitting at a table. N'Arthit happens to raise his head and sees me coming over to their table.

"We are not drunk," He grumbles before he lets out a sigh. The rest of his friends look up at this.

"I can see that," I smile, taking a seat next to N'Knott. "But, you all look like someone has died." I am trying not to laugh at my nongs, but seriously this is hilarious. "So what have you all so down."

"Asshole," N'Tutah growls, "You know exactly what is up."

"Now. Now," I scold, "Is that how you talk to your senior? I thought I raised you better than that."

"Do you want to die?" N'Bright snaps.

"Bright!" N'Arthit shouts, "Why did you have to say that?"

"Because!" N'Bright says, "If you don't want anyone ever to use that line again, freaking copyright that shit!"

"Like I could do that!" N'Arthit groans, "I can't believe I won't be able to say that to him again."

"Hang on," I turn to N'Arthit, "Did you guys break up?" To me, that would be the only reason he wouldn't be able to give N'Kongpop his daily death threat.

"What the hell, P'Dear?" N'Arthit blanches, "Take that shit back! Do you want to jinx me?!?" I shake my head at this. Like, I could really jinx him by saying that.

"Then why are all of you acting like you broke up," I ask.

"N'Tew went home today," N'Knott sighs, "And I leave tomorrow for home." From what I have gathered, N'Tew lives here in Bangkok. Khorat is not that far. Why is he acting like he can't come to visit?

"Kammon was picked up by that freak guy in the suit we saw," N'Bright puts in. "Something about a rally. He was not a happy camper." N'Bright smiles over at me. "If I were that guy, I would never go to sleep. There is no telling what Kammon is going to do as payback."

Of all of their nongs, I have to admit N'Bright's is the wildcard. It is fitting he ended up with someone he can't predict. Karma is a bitch.

"I see," I nod, "What about you three?" N'Arthit, N'Tutah and N'Prem seriously look like someone has died.

"N'Wad went home the other day," N'Prem groans, "My parents are insisting I go home first before I can go to Pattaya." I notice that N'Arthit glares at the last statement.

"I don't know what you are complaining about. You, at least you have the option to go see him," N'Arthit growls, "I have not figured out how to explain inviting a nong to visit. It would be different if he lived in town, but he lives in freaking Chang Mai, so what options do I have?"

That would be a little hard to explain for our little monster. His parents know he is not the most social creature on the planet. Except for the people here at the table and the nongs, he doesn't really talk to other people.

"Didn't you say your mom knew about you two?" I question, signaling the bartender for a round of beer. "What would be the problem?"

"Mom is good," N'Arhit sighs, "But she kind of warned me my father wouldn't take it well."

"How bad do you think he would take it?" N'Prem asks him, taking the beer from me, "Ai'Knott thought his parents wouldn't take it well, and they seem to have adjusted to it." N'Prem frowns, "Do you think he would disown you?" N'Arthit's eyes go wide at the last question, and I kick N'Prem under the table. We don't need to be giving the little monster things to overthink.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now