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Prem's POV

I am lying on my bed staring at my phone. Nobody in a thousand years would believe I am sulking because my boyfriend, who was supposed to be back tonight, just messaged me that he wouldn't be coming until tomorrow. Now I hate Tutah even more for his little jaunt down to Pattaya. Had I known, I could have gone and made Wad come back that day.

My Boyfriend: coming back tomorrow

His Boyfriend: why

My Boyfriend: mom

It is not like I can get mad at Wad for staying to be with his mom. She has had to deal with a lot after the death of Wad's father. I have to wonder if Wad and his mom will move into Wad's father's house.

After everything was laid out for them by the lawyer, it came to light that the house was already in Wad's name. His father's parents must have really hated that woman and P'Dean.

The lawyer explained that he was wrong to allow what happened to the house but felt it was in Wad's and his mom's best interest if his father had a place to go after the divorce. Wad's mom's house was modest, but it was under her name. In a way, I am angry at the lawyer, and another way, I am not. He had even offered to step down, but Wad's mother refused to let him.

My mom has stayed with Wad's mom all this time. Dad even traveled down when he could find the time. It is weird, but it makes me happy that everyone gets along. It is something neither Wad nor I have to worry about ever. Not only do our parents accept us, but they also have become fast friends.

Tutah and Knott have both told their parents. Well, Tutah's parents knew it was coming, and Knott says his parents approve. But today, when Tutah asked Bright and Arthit about it, I caught Knott looking worried. What if his parents aren't as ok with it as they say they are. They could be just humoring their son, thinking it will pass. N'Tew and Knott complement each other well, and it would be awkward if they break up. Maybe I should corner Knott and ask what is up.

I sit up at the sound of keys outside my door. Listening, I wait to hear the door opening when I don't. I lay back sulking.

"Idiot," I scold myself, "He said he wasn't coming. What were you thinking?"

I roll my head to the side, looking at my clock. It is too early to go to bed, but if I do, tomorrow will come sooner. Sitting up, I grab the towel I laid on my bed earlier and go to take a shower.

"I want Wad home with me. I want it to be tomorrow!" I shout and laugh at the silliness of it.

(Mature Content to Follow if you don't like it, you can skip it.)

Stepping into the shower, I wait for the water to warm. Turning my back to the spray, I lower my head and let the water run over me. The night before, we left to go to his mom's for the trial we had fooled around in the shower. We hadn't done it again since the beach trip, but Wad was getting more open about what he wanted.

I smile, remembering that night. The fact that both of us prepared to bottom was something. Wad was touched when I told him, but he wanted to take back himself that night. I open an eye and grin at what thinking about Wad and that night has caused. I miss my boyfriend, and I feel like a horny middle-schooler right now.

Running my hand down my body, I wrap it around my swollen shaft and begin to stroke, thinking of Wad. I imagine him standing in front of me, smiling as he wraps his mouth around my tip before he goes down on me. I match my strokes to the fantasy I am having. The image of Wad looking up at me as he bobs up and down makes me harder. I chuff as I stroke faster, sinking into the fantasy. I run my other hand up my chest and tease my nipples the way Wad does and shiver as the sensation goes straight to my groin, making me cum.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now