Makes Us Crazier

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Knott's POV

All of us are staring at N'Kammon's phone like it is about to explode. Right after we got to my Gran's house, his phone was spammed. Cuteislethal wanted to know where N'Kammon went with N'Maprang. It is disturbing that this person knows he is with his cousin, but from the messages, he definitely wasn't able to follow N'Kammon, which is good news. We now have time to plan and pick apart cuteislethal's posts with N'Kammon. He might see clues or a trend we don't.

Bright takes N'Kammon's hand and leads him upstairs, leaving the offending phone on the table. N'Maprang goes to follow, but N'Oak catches her arm.

"Leave them be, 'Prang," N'Oak tells her. N'Aim picks up N'Kammon's phone and turns it off.

"Why did you do that?" Tee asks.

"If there is a tracking app on here..." N'Aim trails off, shaking his head.

"It is already too late, nong," P'Boon says. "You should know that. It would show the last location, which is here."

P'Dear holds out his hand, "Give me the phone," He tells N'Aim, "I am going into town and... "He trails off with a growl. "Even getting a new phone, we don't know if once he signs in what will be activated. Fvck! Why didn't we think of this sooner."

"You would have thought we would have," Tutah says, looking at his nong, and I am reminded of the time N'Jett disappeared. He was smart enough to turn off his phone at Tutah's dorm, and the only blip we got after that was a park. But by then, we had figured out where he was heading. Tutah is right; all of us should have thought of it. Almost everyone here is still being tracked. Maybe I should bring up uninstalling the app.

"Just leave it off for now," Tee sighs, "I will call a friend and find out if we can learn if that person was tracking N'Kammon."

"I am beginning to worry about your friends, P'Tee," N'Wad snorts, "They are proving to be scarily skilled."

"You meet people," Tee shrugs. He looks at all of us before he continues, "Before you guys called me in with the P'Dean project, I sort of had one of my own going. So I had to know some scary people." He smiles at the nongs, "And calling my friends scary is rich coming from your little group. I hate to think about what you guys could do if you took this up for real instead of one-off projects to help friends."

"Why didn't you say anything when we recruited you?" Arthit questions. Tee just shrugs before he sits down on the couch.

N'Faii and Mai have been listening to the whole conversation and are lost. I turn to P'Boon, but he seems to be following. Maybe P'Dear told him what went on this year. As for Mai and N'Faii, I will leave it to Prae and P'Boon to fill them in.

Bright's POV

When Kammon's phone went off, I saw the color drain from his face. Everyone went quiet and stared at his hand. Taking the phone from him, I toss it on the table and lead him upstairs to a room. I don't care which I just want to be alone with him and now.

I hear him quietly close the door behind us as I stand in a bedroom looking out on the beach. For a moment, I had forgotten why we were here, but all of that has come crashing back down on me. I feel Kammon rest his head on my back, and I sigh.

Turning, I wrap my arms around him and can feel him tremble, "It will be okay, Kam," I soothe.

"I know," Kammon mumbles against my chest, "But I guess it was good they messaged. At least we know he might be clueless where I am."

"Did N'Maprang tell her mom where you two were going?" I ask when I realize that if she did, Kammon might be discovered.

"Her mom thinks we are in Bangkok visiting friends," Kammon looks up at me, "You don't really think they would approach my Aunt to find me. Do you?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now