My Insanity

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krstjb's POV

"Hello, everyone," I smile, "Why am I here?"

"You say that like you don't know," P'Arthit frowns as he sits next to Kongpop. I don't know. I look at the door. I am sure someone is going to come looking for me soon. They always do when I disappear.

"Yeah," P'Bright walks over to me, "So do you have an explanation, Puppet Master?"

"Puppet Master?" I ask, offended. "What do I have to explain?"

P'Dear and P'Win come in and sit next to P'Tutah and Jett.

"So, that is her?" P'Win nudges P'Dear. "Should we be nice?"

"She did get us back together," P'Dear shrugs.

"Together?" P'Win laughs, "She created us, moron. Well, me, at least. You were just a small side character."

P'Dear smiles at his boyfriend, "I am glad she did, and thanks for rubbing in that small side character bit."

"Your welcome," P'Win kisses P'Dear, "But you were a hot side character."

"Wow!" P'Tutah fans himself, "Any more sweetness, and I am going to become a diabetic."

"Shut it, N'Tutah," P'Win barks.

"Do I have to be nice to her?" Jett asks his boyfriend. What is with this attitude? You didn't even exist. Of course, you need to be nice to me.

"I created you," I huff, glaring at Jett.

"You already had me harassed by jerks at that other university," Jett taunts, "And what are you going to do kill me off? You only kill off the bad guys."

"That reminds me," P'Knott asks, "What happened to that Kiwi character?"

I knew they would bring him up. I didn't really flesh that out in the story. Maybe I should do a flashback or something. I could always bring him back. I wonder how much time he would have got in jail for what he did?

"Didn't she write he was in jail or something?" Wad asks P'Prem. "Why are you frowning?" Wad strokes P'Prem's cheek.

"She is the one that let that fruit hold a knife to your throat," P'Prem glares at me.

"Hey, that was really a good scene," I defend, "I got three chapters out of that. You try to come up with shit to write."

"You are mad about that?" Kammon laughs, "He and I were tortured by that P'Dean maniac she created. Even his mother went after Wad. That was some evil shit."

"Ok, Puppet Master," P'Bright cuts in.

"Stop calling me that, P'Bright," I snap, "I have a name."

"Yeah, Ms. jdbcwavdvlkdvkn," Kammon smirks. Why did I make him so sassy? Once again, he is someone who doesn't appreciate that I created him.

"That is krstjb, asshole," I growl. "K-R-S-T-J-B. You got that?"

"Oh, forgive me," Kammon snorts, "Didn't realize the random-ass letters were important."

"Kam, be nice," Maprang interrupts, "She did bring you to life. I mean, I got a cousin." I nod with a smug smile.

"Can someone explain why I am here?" P'Tee sighs. "She only needed me when she was taking out the bad guy, and for some reason, she keeps bringing me up in those damn group chats. And I don't even have a cute name. I am only T. How original is that?" He turns and glares at P'Boon. "You, on the other hand, did nothing with the bad guy, and everyone loves you, and you got a cute nickname."

"I am called Knott's Side Piece," P'Boon glares at P'Tee. "How is that cute? But I do admit I have gotten more time in the story since that."

"Yeah, don't remind me," Tew grumbles, "And how is that nickname cute?" He turns on me, "Why did you do that?"

"It just came to me," I shrug. "I don't know where this shit comes from."

"For a girl," May puts in, "You sure do swear a lot."

"Well, excuse me for not being the cute girl next door," I huff. "I grew up with brothers, so swearing boys surrounded me."

"Why haven't I had a POV yet?" May suddenly demands.

"I don't know," I admit, "I just haven't seemed to have written one yet, and for some reason, I don't want to do your POV."

"I hate you," May growls, "Aim, why are you staring at her?"

"I'm just curious," Aim looks at May, "Lots of people wanted me with P'Bright and not with you. I wonder why she kept to the true storyline. She didn't do that with them." He points at the others.

"I think ours was implied," Wad offers, "They just didn't go there."

"I don't know what she is doing with us," Tew sighs, "I am supposed to meet a Dae guy in SOTUS S."

"Yeah," P'Knott looks at his boyfriend. "And aren't I dating a girl in that, too?"

"I still haven't figured that out," I say. "I don't know what I am going to do with the timeline. I have tried to keep it as true as possible, but I really like you two together. As for why I didn't put you with P'Bright... well, this story is as much about bromance as it is romance. And I thought it would be fun to have a bromance with you guys."

"Is the girl you put me with the one that shows up in SOTUS S?" Prae asks.

"I don't know that either," I admit, "She didn't get much screen time, and I don't think the actress was identified. I have yet to figure out what P'Faai looks like."

I look over at P'Arthit and Kongpop. "You two sure are quiet."

"Not like you have changed our storyline much," Kongpop shrugs, "Although he seems to be a bit bolder."

"I am," P'Arthit grins, "I like it. I just wish I would stop blushing."

"You are pretty when you blush," I laugh, "So I doubt that will happen." Oak raises his hand, and I raise an eyebrow. "Yes, Oak?"

"Explain to me why I am dating her?" Oak points to Maprang, who slaps his hand away.

"I just liked you two together," I smile, "I know people wanted to put her with P'Bright, but I didn't see that happening."

"Didn't people also want him back together with Ple?" P'Tutah asks.

"Yeah," I nod, "I couldn't see that either. From what I got, those two were done and over. So I wasn't going to bring her back."

"Why did you hit me?" P'Bright hisses at Kammon.

"Ai'Aim, Maprang, P'Ple," Kammon lists off, "How many people were you shipped with?"

"You forgot Ai'Tutah," P'Bright smirks.

"See! I was right not to like him," Jett stands up, glaring at his boyfriend. "You said nobody shipped you two."

"Good going, moron," P'Tutah snaps at his friend.

"Wasn't I shipped with N'Tutah, too?" P'Dear asks P'Win.

"Why are you bringing that up now?" P'Win hisses. "She just got him not to want to kill you."

"Don't worry, none of you will remember this when I write again," I laugh. "I doubt I will." There is a knock on the door. "Shit! They found me. Gotta go, guys. And to you guys out there... You know who you are... The Silent Ones. Merry Christmas! Thank you for reading my insanity! I love you all and wish you all the best!" There is another knock on the door. "I'm coming!"

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Sorry, I was feeling quirky last night. And didn't want to have a bland Author's Note to send my wishes. I promise I don't need meds... lol

Vote if you want^^

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