Keep On Going

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Nine's POV

After my kidnapping, I don't know what to think. My friends are convinced P'Yacht likes me more than just as a nong. I know whenever P'Yacht saw P'Bank, he acted territorial, but I just thought he was being protective. After P'Bank started to be a jerk to me, I just figured P'Yacht had picked up on the fact he was an ass before I did. I sit down on a bench and stare up at the sky.

"He likes me," I say to no one.

"Who likes you?" A voice I know too well.

"You," I reply.

"No kidding," Kammon snorts. "Friends and all." After a moment, he places a hand on my shoulder, "You OK?"

"What if you guys are wrong, and he doesn't like me like that?" I ask.

"If we are wrong," Kammon starts, "Then all of us need to have our eyes checked. It is plain as day."

"You don't even know if he likes guys," I whine. "I heard that he dated a girl last year. A girl, Kam. You know, with boobs and all."

"They come with boobs?" Kammon rubs his chin. "Who knew?"

"Funny," I roll my eyes at him, "You are just freaking hilarious."

"Look. P'Bright dated half the female population of the university," Kammon counters. "Their past doesn't make it exclusive, Nine. My boyfriend is walking, talking proof of that."

Kammon is right. P'Bright. One of the biggest womanizers on campus fell head over heels for my snarky friend last year. But he is Kammon. I am just Nine.

"I am not you," I mutter.

"Thank heaven for that," Kammon laughs, "Can you imagine two of me? That would be an absolute nightmare."

"The world can feel safe knowing there is only one of you," I shove him laughing. "You know what I mean, asshole."

"No, I don't," Kammon looks at me, "Explain."

"I am not you," I repeat.

"Already said that," Kammon grumbles.

"I am just me," I start.

"Stop," Kammon growls, "I am not going to let you say that someone wouldn't like you. You are amazing, and anyone would count themselves lucky to fall in love with you, and they would be just as lucky if you loved them. And that includes P'Yacht."

"You can think what you want," I tell him, "I will think what I want."

"You are such a dork," Kammon sighs, "Just trust us. We are not wrong." He gives me a sly grin. "Have I ever steered you wrong?"

"Have you forgotten the fire extinguisher incident?" I ask with a smirk, "Or the...."

"Enough!" Kammon holds up his hands, "Just trust us. Our plan is foolproof."

"Trust you," I stand up, "Sure." Kammon gets up and throws his arm over my shoulder.

"I promise this is going to be epic," Kammon grins. "Now, let's get to the meeting."

"Do I have to?" I whine, "P'Bank is just going to be a jerk to me."

"Let him," Kammon growls, "I have a plan for that asshole."

"Don't get yourself expelled," I warn.

"I won't," Kammon chuckles, "But it would be nice if he did. I can't believe you ever liked that guy."

"Don't remind me. Call it temporary insanity," I groan, "And don't you do anything that will get him expelled. I just want him to go away, but not like that. After this week, we will probably never see him anyway."

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now