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Knott's POV

"Kong!" Arthit gasps when he sees his boyfriend once again climbing out the window. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" We all just watched as P'Third's car pulled in the drive and the person driving getting out. I don't know about my friends, but I was stunned.

"I am going to go see if he left the keys inside," NKongpop tells Arthit with that smile of his that short circuits my friend's brain before he drops to the ground once again. Glancing back to my other friends, I can see everyone is trying to figure out what to do next.

"How did P'Third get the car?" P'Win asks, finally.

"It wasn't P'Third," I tell him. "Cuteislethal is here."

"How do you know that for sure?" Ai'Tee turns, "Because if that is true, I am going to begin believing in doppelgangers." I notice a window popup on the screen behind Tee and smile. My feeling that we finally have cuteislethal is about to be confirmed.

"Stop smiling and answer him," Tutah demands.

"Ai'Tee," I point to the screen, "Who just connected to the network?"

"Network?" Tee wonders before he swivels in his chair and opens the file that just downloaded, "You are right. Fourth's phone just connected."

"Just toss them up," I hear Arthit say from the window. He turns and smiles, jingling a set of keys, "Escape is impossible now." He turns back to the window, "Go around back again and see if N'Prang is in the kitchen. Tell them what is going on."

"OK," N'Kongpop replies.

"What made you so sure this was cuteislethal?" P'Win asks.

"The clothes," I answer, "It was a different outfit. So if this were P'Third, he would have had to change, find his car, and come back here. There hasn't been enough time for all of that. Also, we have watched cuteislethal moving in circles." I point back at the screen, "And we have to add in the phone, P'Third's phone is here and being messaged. Why would he waste the time to do that?"

"Ai'Knott is right," Arthit joins us, "Too many variables for it to be anyone but cuteislethal. And did you notice that he wasn't worried about anyone stopping him when he headed toward the house? He had done this before when people were here," Arthit points out. "Not just when he took N'Kammon."

"N'Jett," Bright calls.

Bright had been quiet since the car drove in. I thought for sure we would have had to tackle him to stop him from running down and confronting the man, but he has just stood there quietly. The nongs and the seniors might not be worried, but my friends have been around Bright long enough to know that quiet is when to watch him the most. Bright is planning.

"Yes, P'?" N'Jett steps up.

"Can you go downstairs again," P'Bright begins, "And help keep an eye on what is going on?" N'Jett nods and starts toward the door after he kisses Tutah.

"What next?" Tutah asks, holding a hand over where his boyfriend kissed him.

"We need P'Third back here," Bright grumbles. "Like now."

Maprang's POV

The door to the kitchen opens, revealing Kongpop. Frowning, I look at the stairs visible through the open doorway to the foyer and back to him.

"Why..." I begin, but he interrupts me.

"P'Third's car just drove in," He tells me.

"Is it P'Third?" Oak asks from the table. "And how come you are outside?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now