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Tee's POV

"Son," My dad says, shaking me awake.

"Dad?" I croak, trying to get my bearings. "What are you doing here?"

"That is my question," My dad says, frowning down at me before he looks over to the bed Ice is in at the moment. "Who is he?"

"Knott's classmate," I answer.

"N'Knott?" My dad repeats, "Did he call you to help this nong out?"

"No," I sigh, "I was meeting up with Mek, Rain, and Nat." I hold up my hand when my dad starts to say something, "And before you yell at me, I know that I shouldn't have been meeting them." I stop and look over at the guy sleeping peacefully. "But now I don't know if I wasn't meant to go. As much as I realize, you and Mom were right about my friends being trash. I have to wonder what would have happened to Ai'Ice if I hadn't shown up."

"Did I just hear you say your Mom and I were right?" My dad asks, grinning down at me.

"Don't let it go to your head, old man," I chuckle. "But yeah, you were." Glancing once again at Ice, I add, "What is going to happen to them?"

"Well," Dad starts sitting next to me, "From all the statements taken, your friend over there did nothing to provoke the attack, and with two assailants, he didn't even have a chance to hit back. So those two will be charged with assault."

"What about Mek?" I ask.

"He has been cleared since he didn't participate," Dad explains, "From your statement at the scene and other witness statements, he was trying to stop it. So he walks."

"When do I have to go in and give my formal statement?" I question. I need to go home to shower and change. I stayed last night waiting for the "Aunt" to appear before I left. It didn't feel right, leaving Ice alone.

"There should be some officers coming by here today," My dad tells me, "If you are here still... Are you still going to be here?"

"I don't know," I sigh, "The doctor told me his parents are out of the country, and they were contacting an Aunt. I was only staying until this Aunt showed up, but nobody has come."

"Nobody?" My dad says with a look, I know too well. "I will go home and get you a change of clothes. Do you need anything else?"

"My charger," I say, holding up my phone. "It is almost dead. And something to eat."

"Clothes. Charger. Food," Dad repeats. "I will be back in an hour." I nod. I knew my dad wouldn't make me go home. He is bad when it comes to strays. Animal or human.

I lean back on the sofa that I slept on and look around the room. N'Aim did mention Ice's address when he handed back the wallet to me last night. I think the nong is right, and Ice's family is quite well off. That is the only thing that could explain the private room we now occupy. I was grateful for that last night since the sofa afforded me a place to sleep. I had turned down the roll-away bed the nurse had offered, thinking the Aunt would show up, and I could go home. Speaking of the Aunt, why didn't she show up?

Hearing a groan from the bed, I look over to see Ice moving around, and I go over to his bed to check on him.

"Do you want me to call the nurse?" I ask, looking down at him. Wow! The bruises on his face are vivid against his pale skin. Looking at the bandage across his nose, I wonder if it was broken.

"W-who are you?" Ice mumbles, disoriented.

"I guess you wouldn't remember me," I mutter, scratching the back of my head. I mean, how could he. He shakes his head no.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now