Happy, Healthy, And Loved

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Arthit's Dad's POV

I look out the open window and sigh when I see my son walking into the yard with his 'boyfriend' trailing behind him.

"P'," The boyfriend grabs my son's hand, "What is wrong? Are you afraid?" I watch as he reaches over and strokes my son's cheek. "What happened?" Why is that nong so touchy?

"Disowned," Oon says to his boyfriend, "Ai'Tutah just messaged us this morning that Ai'Bright told his parents, Kong." My son grabs his boyfriend's shirt, "They disowned him. They told him, 'No son of mine!'" He runs his hand through his hair, "How could a parent do that? They are supposed to love you!" Oon snorts, "And now I am bringing you home to meet my dad, who admits he doesn't know?" I watch as my son gets pulled into a hug.

"It will be fine, Oon," His boyfriend tells my son, rubbing his back, "Your parents..." Oon shoves him away.

"You don't know that!" Oon accuses, "You. Don't. Know. That!" I wait to see what the boy will do now after being shouted at by my son.

"You're right," His boyfriend admits, "I don't. But I do know no matter what happens after I walk through that door won't change how I feel about you and that whatever happens, we will get through this together." My son sighs and leans against his boyfriend. The nong does seem to care about my son, and he is patient and honest.

"You have to admit," My wife says beside me, making me jump, "Oon found a good guy."

"But it is still a guy, Kohsoom," I frown at my wife, "This is why you started watching and making me watch all this BL stuff."

"I was shocked too, Aat," Kohsoom admits, "But I only have one son." She looks back at the pair, "I can't afford to lose him just because he fell in love."

I think back to what Oon just told his boyfriend and his question.

How could a parent do that? They are supposed to love you!

"Bright," I turn to my wife, "That is Oon's friend, right?" She nods, "Is he dating a guy too?"

"All of his friends are," My wife informs me, "Why are you asking about N'Bright?"

"His parents disowned him," I tell her.

"They didn't!" Kohsoom gasps, "How could they do that?" I flinch hearing a question like my son's earlier. "That poor boy." My wife says, shaking her head. "I hope he doesn't do anything stupid." She turns away from the window and goes to the kitchen.

"Something stupid?" I repeat as I follow her. "What do you mean, something stupid?"

"Aat, seriously," Kohsoom shakes her head, "The child's parents just threw him away. What child wouldn't have bad thoughts when the people who are supposed to love you the most just treated you like you were disposable?"

"They just didn't agree with his choice," I point out. "I am sure they had dreams for their son just like we have dreams for Oon."

"I am sure they did, Aat," My wife says, beginning to peel an apple, "But those were their dreams, not his, just as ours are not Oon's. The only thing we should want for him is to be happy, healthy, and loved, dear."

"I know that," I huff, sitting down at the table, "But..."

"But nothing," Kohsoom turns to me, "Oon is happy and healthy. He is excelling at school, and he is in love."

"With a boy," I finish for my wife.

"With a boy," My wife repeats with a frown. "Aat, you know Oon had been hopelessly trailing after Namtam for the longest time. Did you want him never to find someone that loved him back?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now