Without Another Word

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Nine's POV

"Can you take this over to the canteen?" One of our more annoying seniors asks.

I look at the pile of boxes as I close my eyes and imagine myself pushing this senior off the roof of our faculty before I turn and nod.

"That guy is such an ass," Kammon mutters beside me.

"He has always been an ass," I point out. I am glad Kammon showed up today, but he is very subdued. He goes over and picks up a box with a grunt.

"What the hell is in these damn things?" Kammon groans. "Lead weights?"

I open one and reveal that they are old textbooks. I take one out and examine it. Kammon sees what is in my hands and drops his box. He opens his and hisses.

"Who is in charge?" Kammon growls, stomping over to the other boxes and looking inside them. "These are all textbooks! Why the hell would we need them for a meeting with first years!?!"

"Do you have a complaint?" Someone asks behind us, and we turn to see the senior in charge of this madness standing there.

"Sawasdee Khrap," Kammon and I wai P'Bank.

"Sawasdee," P'Bank replies, coming over to us and looking into the box I am standing next to and then looks at the other four boxes. He doesn't say anything, but I can tell he is confused.

P'Bank was the senior I was working with last night. He seemed reasonable and had offered to take me home when he realized it had gotten late. I glance at Kammon and think I should have taken P'Bank up on that offer. If I had, Kammon wouldn't have gone missing and put him in the mood he is in today.

Kammon mutters under his breath and begins closing the boxes before picking up the original one. He turns and starts toward the door.

"Where are you going, nong?" P'Bank asks.

"The canteen," Kammon deadpans. "This is heavy, P'. Can I go?"

"Who told you to move these?" P'Bank turns and questions me.

"P'Pete," I answer.

"P'?" Kammon whines.

"Put it down," P'Bank orders.

"But we were told to move them," I point out.

"And I am telling you to leave them here," P'Bank tells me firmly. Kammon drops the box once again and sits on it.

"Why are you sitting down?" P'Pete demands, walking into the room and stutters to a stop when he spots P'Bank. "Ai'Bank." Kammon and I both smile at P'Pete.

"Nongs," P'Bank calls, "I need you to go to the canteen and see if Sai needs help."

"Yes," Kammon and I say as Kammon stands up. We both glance at P'Pete when we pass him without another word.

"Care to explain?" This is all we get to hear as we make our way to the Art canteen.

"What do you think that was all about?" Kammon grumbles.

"I don't know," I reply, "But I don't think P'Bank was involved if this was all a joke."

"Oh?" Kammon hums, raising an eyebrow in inquiry.

"What?" I roll my eyes.

"Any reason you are defending P'Bank?" Kammon questions as we turn a corner, "If I remember right, you thought he was a jerk at the beginning."

"I don't know what you are talking about," I deflect, wondering when my opinion changed.

"You have been working with him an awful lot lately," Kammon chuckles and bumps my shoulder. "When we were getting coffee last night, you mentioned him. I think somebody is in love." I smack Kammon upside his head.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now