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Wad's POV

I jolt up in bed and glare at the door. Reaching over, I shove Prem.

"What?" P'Prem grumbles groggily. There is another knock on the door.

"Go kill your friends," I growl. P'Prem rolls over and looks at me, still half asleep.

"Why is it my friends?" P'Prem questions. He looks toward the door at the next knock, "Has to be yours. Mine wouldn't be that polite."

He grabs the covers and rolls back over. I lay there aghast. At the sound of the next knock, I give him a shove and throw the blankets off.

"Fine," I mutter, looking around on the floor for some boxers. Finding a pair, I hop to the door as I pull them on. At the next knock, I shout, "I am fvcking coming already!"

I swear I am going to kill whoever is knocking. I glance at the clock and hiss. Yep! They are going to die.

"Do you know what time it is?!?" I yell, swinging the door open and stutter to a stop. "Mom?" I slam the door shut in panic.

"Wad?" I hear my mom call from the other side of the door. SHIT!!! Why is she here? I sent her... Right? Fvck! I run my hand through my hair, trying to think. She knocks again.

"Son," Mom says in a tone that means your ass is toast. "Open the door." I run over to the bed and shake P'Prem.

"Wad," P'Prem whines, "Tell them to go aw...."

"It is my mom!" I hiss. P'Prem sits up.

"Your mom?" P'Prem repeats, "Why?"

"If I knew that, I would tell you," I grab the boxers beside the bed and shove them at Prem, "Bathroom! Now!" P'Prem nods and throws the covers off.

"Wad Pradchaphet," Mom calls from the door. Fvck! She used my full name!

"Go already!" I say as I push P'Prem toward the bathroom. I walk over to the door and smooth my hair down and groan when I look down. Clothes, Wad!

"Wad Pradchaphet," Mom repeats. Well, boxers it is. I open the door and smile at my mom, who only shakes her head before she walks past me. I am so dead.

"Mom," I follow after her, "Why are you here? I sent you pictures. Didn't you see that we had unpacked?"

"You sent me pictures?" She asks, and I nod. She pulls out her phone and holds up the message.

I frown when I don't see any pictures. What the hell? I know I did. I walk over to the desk and pick up my phone. Unlocking my phone, I see my message with my mom and realize I never hit send.

"I am going to kill them," I growl.

"You are going to do what?" Mom asks, crossing her arms.

"P'Bright and Ai'Aim," I mutter, "Them and those stupid videos." I look at mom and notice she is looking at my boxers. I glance down and realize the reason. These are P'Prem's. Maybe I should just let her kill me.

"Are you already out of clean laundry?" She questions, walking over to the closet. "You shouldn't borrow N'Prem's." Just as I am about to agree, P'Prem opens the door to the bathroom slowly and looks out.

"Umm," He hums, "Wad, can you hand me some clothes?" I nod slowly, and as I turn, I notice my mom, who looked at P'Prem is rubbing her temples.

"Both of you, get dressed and come down," My mom sighs, "I will take you to breakfast." She walks to the door, shaking her head.

Once the door is closed, I turn and bang my head on the closet door. We are so screwed. I can't believe my mom caught us. I open the door to the closet and climb in, shutting the door behind me.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now