Missing One

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Wad's POV

I walk in and wait for my eyes to adjust to the light. Once they do, I look around for my friends. I spot Kongpop in the back waving at me. I nod and go to join them. Setting my bag down on the bench, I frown at everyone.

"Explain to me why we are meeting in a bar?" I demand, "You know if they find out we are in trouble." I don't have to explain who the 'they' are.

"Just sit down first," Tew orders. I sit down, and the bartender walks over with a tray of drinks. He smiles when he sets it down.

"Please tell me I am not going to have to call anyone," He laughs, "I mean, the semester hasn't even started, and I would hate for my favorite customers to get banned."

"Funny, P'," Aim laughs while taking his drink.

"Isn't that why all of you ordered soda?" The bartender teases.

"Of course," Oak smiles.

Sipping on my drink, I look around at my friends, "So why did we need to have a meeting?"

"The fanfic updated," Aim says at the same time Tew says, "We have stalkers."

"What?" Tew and Aim both say, turning and looking at each other.

"Wait," I wave my hand confused, "So we have stalkers in real life or the fanfic?" Please tell me it is in that stupid fanfic. That is saying something since I want to kill whoever writes that thing.

"Fanfic," Aim says just as Tew says, "Real life."

"What?" Aim and Tew both answer simultaneously as they turn and look at each other once more. I look at Kongpop, who is running his hand down his face. I don't know if he is disgusted by the news or trying not to laugh.

"I guess my news is not so bad," He says when he removes his hands.

"What is your news?" Aim and Tew ask together.

"Will you two stop that!" Kammon, Jett, and Oak chorus. They then look at each other and laugh. I have to admit I missed the insanity that is my friends over the summer.

"What is your news?" I look over and ask Kongpop.

"A freaking fanboy moved in two doors down from P'Arthit," Kongpop sighs.

"Fanboy?" Kammon asks, "Yours or P'Arthit's?"

"Mine," Kongpop states flatly. You can tell how bad this bothers him when he runs his hands through his hair. "P'Arthit has banned me from going over." He takes out a set of keys and throws them on the table. "I have a key that I am not allowed to use!"

"That sucks," Jett mutters, "I wonder why P'Tutah hasn't given me a new key?"

"He hasn't?" Kammon wonders, "P'Bright gave me his." He turns to Oak, "Did 'Prang give you hers?"

"OAK!!" I shout when he spews his drink all over me. "What the hell?"

"That is what I know!" Oak barks and turns to Kammon, "Why would she do that?!?"

"Your dating, moron," Kammon rolls his eyes and then gives a sly grin. "And you were the idiot that moved not only into the same dorm as our virgin over there but on the same floor."

"Did you really have to call me the virgin?" Aim scowls at Kammon. Kammon only giggles.

"You do remember 'Prang is your cousin," Oak shakes his head, "How could you ask that?" He holds up his hand when Kammon goes to say something, "The answer is no, and I better not find out you are teasing her."

"So scared," Kammon chuckles. "Don't worry. That is 'Prang you are talking about. I know exactly how far I can go before I die."

I shake my head as I place the napkin on the table, "Can we get back to the fanboy and stalkers?" I look over at Kongpop, "How do you know this person is your fanboy, and better yet, how does P'Arthit?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now