Monsters Everywhere

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Ice's POV

Waking up, I go to roll over only to find Tee has snuggled up against my back and his arm thrown over me. I run my finger along a line on his palm and smile when he twitches his hand.

When the guys and I finally finished the lock last night, it was late. Tee rummaged in my closet without saying anything to me and took out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before he disappeared into the bathroom. The guys only looked at the closed door and then smiled at me before they left. I took a shower after Tee, and we quietly went to sleep with no further discussion. I wanted to ask, but something told me he didn't want to talk just then.

Tee murmurs something as he snuggles closer. From where I am, I can see my clock. I hate to do this, but I have class in an hour. It might take longer to get ready with both of us here, and I'm sure Tee will want to drop by his place to get changed before he goes to campus.

Taking his hand in mine, I start to kiss each finger before kissing his palm.

"That tickles," Tee mumbles into my hair. After a moment, he moves his head and adds, "What time is it?"

"Seven," I answer, "We need to get up."

"Uh-huh," Tee says, pulling me closer and nuzzling the back of my neck, "Ten more minutes."

"Tee," I push, "You are going to want to change clothes. To do that, we need to drop by your place." I think for a bit before I put in, "If you were going to stay over, we should have run by your dorm and picked up a change of clothes before we came here. Why didn't you tell me you were?" I noticed when I started talking about staying over Tee had gone still. Did I make him mad? Tee stays silent, and I finally turn so I can look at him.

"I didn't plan to," Tee admits with a pinched expression. I use my thumb to smooth away the crease between his brows.

"Oh," I say, surprised.

"I ran..." Tee starts and stops, "Well, I didn't really run into him, more like I avoided him when I saw him." Tee sighs, "And then I didn't want to be alone."

"Wait... What?" I pull back so I can see his face clearly. "Avoiding who?"

"The maintenance guy," Tee explains, rolling away and throwing an arm over his eyes. I turn towards him, propping my head on my hand.

"Where did you see him?" I question.

"When I went to get food," Tee tells me and reaches over to stroke my cheek. "Am I just freaking out for no reason? I mean, who is to say he just doesn't live around here and does attend Rangsit. I mean P'Dear and P'Boon come to campus in regular clothes nowadays." Tee adds, looking lost. "I feel like I am seeing monsters everywhere now."

"Considering what happened last year," I tell him, "I don't think you are freaking out for no reason." I lie back and look at the ceiling, "People say they have a feeling all the time when something is weird or off. Most of the time, they are proven right." Tee adjusts his position to match mine.

"I know," Tee mutters, "I live with a police officer. He says good intuition is the best thing an officer can have." He growls before he continues, "I just wish I knew why he looks familiar.

"Well," I take his hand in mine, "If he was a student in Rangsit, maybe he was a senior in your faculty or...." I trail off debating if I should even bring this up.

"Or?" Tee turns his head to look at me.

"Or Economics," I look at him. Tee scrunches up his nose like he smelled something bad. "Sorry."

"No worries," Tee shrugs, "Maybe you are right, but...." He pauses and rubs his temples.

"But? I drawl.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now