Didn't Know

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Knott's POV

I see Prem sitting at a table, flicking through some notes as he eats. It is unfair after dealing with everything that happened last week that he is hit with three quizzes he missed when he stayed for an extra day. The only reason he came back is that his mom promised to remain with N'Wad and his mom.

The rest of us are worried about our scores, considering we took those quizzes after returning from Pattaya City the night before. None of us asked permission to skip class, but that didn't stop us from going. We all knew where we were needed.

"Hey," I say, setting my plate down at our table.

"Did you know about these tests?" Prem glares at me.

"I didn't know," I tell him, "That is kind of why they are called pop quizzes, moron.

"Did you make up the test for Thorat yet?" I ask Prem.

"Don't remind me," Prem grumbles, "That was the second one. Explain to me why professors all schedule tests on the same damn day, and why did it have to be that day?"

"Like I would know that," I chuckle. "How is N'Wad going to make everything up." How many days has he missed this year? A lot is the word that comes to mind, but since he is tied in with the P'Dean scandal, the university probably won't say anything about it.

"The nongs have been sending him notes," Prem says, scooting over when Arthit comes. "They have been really good about making sure he has all he needs to study."

"You should have watched the group project this weekend," Arthit snorts.

"Group project?" Prem repeats. "What group project?"

"Yeah," I stop eating and look at Arthit, "What group project?" Tew didn't mention it to me.

"You didn't know about it?" Tutah says, slapping Bright's hand away from his plate. "Jett told me about it."

"So, is someone going to tell me about it?" Prem urges the two who seem to know. I am just as curious since I seem to be left out on this.

"The other night, I showed up at Kong's," Arthit explains. I grin when his cheeks go pink. Is he really this shy about mentioning his boyfriend, or did something embarrassing happen when he showed up? "He was in a group video call with N'Tew, N'Jett, and N'Wad. They were assigned a group project in Mech. They worked together via a video call, so N'Wad wouldn't be behind on it " That is really a smart idea. I will need to remember it when Bright tries to hide from us on a project.

"That sounds reasonable," I hum, taking a bite, "Why did you make it sound like it was... I don't know. A circus or something?"

"Because it was," Arthit smirks, "Your nong has quite the mouth on him. I would never have thought Little Class President could swear that much." I remember the first time he cursed at me. I wonder if that unexpected bite out of such a passive nong is what caught my attention. He is weirdly sexy when he goes off.

"Yeah," I grin at Arthit. "It still catches me off guard. Was that all that was weird?"

"Dropped phones followed by swearing happened a lot," Arthit starts to list off, "Calls being put on hold because of boyfriends. How often do you guys call your boyfriends?" I roll my eyes at that. This is coming from the guy we have to turn his phone off when we study. Arthit grins at Tutah before he continues, "The best was N'Jett's trip the bathroom that we all got to hear and watch."

"He did what?" Bright stops stealing fries from Tutah, turning to Arthit.

"What do you mean, watch?" Tutah growls.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now