Our Job Here Is Done

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Jett's POV

"Hey," I say when P'Tutah connects. I won't tell him I have been sitting in this call since I hung up with Tew.

"Hi," P'Tutah smiles back at me, "How long have you been waiting?" I shake my head. I can never hide anything from him.

"Since I hung up with Ai'Tew," I admit with a shrug.

"N'Tew?" P'Tutah says, chewing on his bottom lip. "How upset was he? Ai'Knott said he just told him and that N'Tew wasn't happy with him."

"Told," I scoff, "I wouldn't call it told, more like let it slip."

"Jett," P'Tutah states in a tone which from past use means I am being scolded.

"Why hadn't he told him?" I demand, "You told me. P'Arthit told Ai'Kong and the same with P'Prem and P'Bright."

"I know who told who when, Jett," P'Tutah snaps, "But Ai'Knott is our planner. You know how organized he is. He wouldn't want to tell N'Tew until he knew what the hell is going on!" I sit there, stunned. I don't think P'Tutah has ever snapped at me like this. "Ai'Knott doesn't like not being able to give answers, and right now, we don't have any! So don't judge him." P'Tutah lets out a little growl as he looks away.

"I'm sorry," I mumble contritely.

"Jett," P'Tutah sighs, "I am not mad at you. I mad at these damn things." He holds up the two letters. "None of us know what is going on, and we can't get hold of anyone from Rangsit." He growls again, running his hand through his hair. I cover my mouth to muffle my snicker when he looks back at me. "What is so funny, Jett?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

'Nothing," I say, clearing my throat.

"Tell me another lie," P'Tutah warns.

"Look at your reflection," I tell him, knowing that he is sitting in front of a mirror.

"What the hell is wrong with your hair?" A voice asks behind him, and I smile, hearing Aunty Din.

"Oh, geez," P'Tutah sighs. "It is just hair, people." He adds, smoothing back down into place. I watch as he makes sure it is fixed, "And why are you here, Aunty Din." He scowls at his aunt, who has leaned in front of him so I can see her up close. I give her a small wave.

"I came to drop those clothes off," Aunty Din remarks, "Aren't I nice?"

"It would be nicer if my aunt could master the skill of knocking before entering," P'Tutah glowers. "You know, taking your hand and rapping it on the door before you come in?"

"Wow," Aunty Din feigns surprise, "I never knew. Care to demonstrate it for me? I might not do it right."

"Mom!" P'Tutah yells over his shoulder. I love this family.

"Why do you have to call her into this?" Aunty Din huffs, "I swear you are no fun at all anymore."

"Mom!" P'Tutah shouts again, looking straight at Aunty Din. I can tell he is trying not to smile. As much as she might drive him nuts, he loves her to no end.

"DIN!" I hear P'Tutah's mom scream from somewhere in the house. "Why are you in his room?" There is a momentary pause, "And what happened to the clothes I folded?" P'Tutah turns to look at the clothes Aunty Din placed on his bed.

"Aunty Din," P'Tutah looks back at his Aunt, "Those are not my clothes." I smile when he crosses his arms across his chest, "Let me guess. You wanted to know who I was talking to." Of course, she did.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Aunty Din sniffs, "I am old. My memory is not what it used to be. I thought this was..." She trails off, and I can see she is looking at the stack of clothes. "Whose clothes are those anyway?" She mumbles something imperceptible as she walks over to pick them up.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now