I Am A Fool

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Arthit's POV

"You wanted to discuss something with me?" I ask, strolling into the hazer meeting room. I look around and smile. I miss hanging out in here. Even if we were in here last year, most of the time hunting down monsters. There are still fond memories of my friends and me.

N'Yacht sits up and glares at me. I check behind me and find no one there. Turning back to him, I sigh.

"What now?" I grouse.

"Why the hell was I chosen to be the Head Hazer?" P'Yacht mutters, and I smile.

I can't remember how many times I had thought that myself last year. Or the number of people I wanted to throttle when they said how great it was to be the Head Hazer and that they dreamed of being it. Great? Dream? What a joke! A freaking nightmare is what it was!

"Because you are good at what you do," I answer with the same reasoning P'Dear had told me once when I complained. I snort at the look of derision on N'Yacht's face. "Yeah, I know. It didn't help when P'Dear told me either."

"I wonder if that was what P'Tum told him?" N'Yacht shakes his head.

"Probably," I say, leaning back in the chair. "So what happened?"

"The nong was placed on probation," N'Yacht tells me and glares at me once again, "You could have warned me you turned the stuff into the faculty."

"Sorry about that," I shake my head. "I guess it slipped my mind." I lean in. "Only probation?"

"Yes," N'Yacht rubs his temples. "That brat had outstanding entrance scores. The professors don't want to lose a promising student, but also don't want a potential scandal in our department."

"What are the terms of the probation?" I question. I am hoping they are pretty stiff.

"If he repeats what he did to anyone's place of residence, he will be expelled immediately," N'Yacht begins to explain. "Any action that is seen as stalking by an individual would also get him expelled."

"Any action?" I repeat. "Who decides if it is seen as stalking?"

"The person who is the target, I think," N'Yacht shrugs, "If he does something to you and makes you feel uncomfortable, I believe that would qualify."

"OK," I mumble, "But are we going to be told this? I mean, I know now, but what about my friends or Kongpop's?" I pause when I register the fact that N'Yacht said expelled. "He will be expelled? Not just asked to quit?" If this nong is expelled, he won't be able to come back to Rangsit. Even getting into another uni will be difficult with that on his record.

"Yeah," N'Yacht nods, "They didn't give him the option of quitting. They said this was too serious an issue for them to let it go lightly." N'Yacht looks down at the table, muttering. "Why is this year so messed up?"

"You think this is messed up?" I scoff, "This is nothing compared to last year." I think about all we went through last year and take in N'Yacht's defeated look. Instead of bringing up the worst, I choose to focus on what has become a legend, "I mean, did you have a nong declare he would make you his wife on the first day?" N'Yacht groans and bangs his head on the table. Wait! Did he? I hadn't heard.

"I am such an idiot," N'Yacht mumbles to the table. "Why did I do that? I am a fool!"

"Huh?" I question, looking at the nong. "N'Yacht?" He sits up with a sigh.

"Nothing, P'," N'Yacht says, slapping on a fake smile. Like that is convincing. "I will tell N'Kongpop and his friends today. Will you tell your friends, P'Arthit? Or do you want me to?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now