All The Best Parts

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Kammon's POV

"OK," P'Bright's dad says into his phone as he turns and looks at me. "We will." We will what? We who? He hangs up and informs us. "Bright says we need to go to N'Kammon's house now." At that moment, all the other adults look at me.

"N'Kammon?" Uncle Toy asks. P'Bright wanted me to stay here so they could get cuteislethal. I feel my skin prickle as my hair rises. They have him. They actually caught him.

"Bright says to bring him with us," P'Bright's dad looks at his wife and P'Tutah's mom. "Are you staying or going?"

"Going," They both answer at the same time.

He next looks at the uncles, and before he can ask, they give their answer, "Going."

"Field trip," I smile, standing up, trying to disguise the fact that panic is beginning to set in.

"Good to see you," The guard at the gate tells me with a smile, "It was nice to see your mom again." I don't want to be rude, but I wish he would just open the gate. The mention of my mom makes me stop. It has been over a year since I have seen her. I have to wonder how she is handling all that is going on and what she thinks of P'Bright.

"Thank you," I say to the guard when he opens the gate.

"What did he mean about your mom?" Uncle Sai asks.

"My mom was in the states for a while," I say, staring out the window. I flinch when P'Tutah's mom places a hand on my knee.

"They wouldn't have called us back if it was dangerous," She assures me, and I nod, patting her hand. She is right. P'Bright would not put his family or me in harm's way.

Entering the drive, I see P'Third's car and can't help but get nervous. The last time I was in that car, I was being kidnapped. I steel myself before I get out and walk up to the door. As we get near, I see that it has been left ajar. Glancing inside, I can see P'Third with his back to me.

"Of course, I would know my own cousin. Why are you here, Ai'Fourth?" P'Third demands. Cousin? Fourth? Wasn't that a name on one of the phones that connected to the wifi?

"This is the doctor who sent me to America," My mom states. "Dr. Thisi." Why is the doctor here? Thisi? Thi si! Shit! Mom's doctor was the same guy who has been using our wifi? Why would he need to be here if mom was not even here?

"He what?" P'Third shouts. Through the door, I see P'Third run over and grab the guy by the collar. "What the hell have you done with him? Is that why you keep taking my car?" I stand there stunned as I get a glimpse of the person P'Third is shaking. It is like he is shaking himself, but I now can see how they are different. "Where is he?" I never thought my father's aide would be angry about this.

Dr. Thisi... Fourth takes hold of P'Third's hand with a sneer as he begins bending it back on itself. When P'Third lets go, I watch as the guy makes a run for it. I don't know when the door was opened, but I find myself standing behind P'Boon, P'Win, and P'Dear, who must have been guarding the door.

Before the guy can escape through the kitchen door, P'Arthit grabs the guy by the collar and slams him down to the ground with a growl.

"Who the fvck are you, and what are you doing to this family?" P'Arthit snarls as P'Prem and P'Knott grab hold onto P'Bright, who looks like he is ready to kill.

"Where is he? How did you find him?" The guy who kidnapped me demands, "I took everything away from him! How did you find him?!?!" I snort. You didn't take everything away from me. Look at all the people here. You should have never challenged them.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now