His Heart Is Mine

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Kongpop's POV

"When did he take this?" I wonder aloud when I pull out a shirt from P'Arthit's closet. I shake my head as I fold it and place it in the open suitcase on the bed.

When he had asked me to pack for him because he was staying with me, I was over the moon. I know my friends probably thought it was because he was going to stay over, but what made me even happier was that he had openly asked in front of my friends and that nong.

I can remember a time when I offered my room to Wad and P'Prem and was in the doghouse for mentioning I would be staying with him in front of our friends. P'Arthit still has a hard time in public with our relationship. It is not that I doubt he loves me, but I wish he were more confident in it.

I thumb through the shirts stopping on his spare Hazer shirt. Taking it out, I slip it on and admire myself in his mirror. P'Arthit always looks so hot when he wears this. I wonder if he will think I am hot when I wear one next year?

I know he doesn't need it, but I fold it and place it on top before going to the bathroom to collect his toiletries. I really don't need to do this. Both of us have long since started to keep things at each other's place. It just made it easier. But I check the counter to see if there is anything he doesn't have at my place.

Pulling open the drawer, I pause and debate if I should take the box of condoms or just leave these here and buy some. I slide the drawer closed, deciding that leaving these here and buying more would be the better idea. I mean, can you ever have enough condoms?

Walking out of the bathroom, I glance around to see if I have forgotten anything. When I can't see anything, I walk over and pull the curtains close. Before they are completely closed, I see P'Arthit walking into my room and smile. Time to go home.

I zip the bag close and once more do a cursory look around before I start to the door. As I lock the door behind me, I think about how this will be the last year we live across from each other. I wonder where P'Arthit will find a job next year. When the doors of the elevator open, I glance up and come face to face with 0183.

All of us had signed his book, and although I know that was the right thing to do, I still can't help but be irritated by this nong. I step aside so he can exit before I step in. Just as I push the button for the lobby, the doors start to close, and a hand stops them. I glance up with a sigh.

"Yes?" I ask, frowning at the nong. The nong looks from me to the luggage and back again. He was there when P'Arthit told me to pack, so what is his problem. "Yes?" I prod wanting him to get on with whatever he is going to do or say.

"You love him?" The nong asks so quietly I find myself leaning forward to hear him.

"What?" I step forward and block the door from closing.

"You love him?" The nong questions once again, looking me in the eye.

"How is that even a question?" I counter.

"Y-you," The nong stutters, and I interrupt him.

"If what you are doing is an attempt to break us up," I start, "That will never happen. And if what you are doing is a way to protect P'Arthit... I should remind you that protecting him is my job."

"But..." The nong starts, and I cut him off.

"There are no buts," I say, calmer than I am. "P'Arthit and I decided that last year when we accepted each others' gear. His heart is mine. Just like mine is his." I stand there holding the door while my words hopefully sink in. I shake my head and add, "You need to accept that he and I were and are inevitably linked. And that our friends are the same. We are together for a reason. Reasons you will never understand. So let this go, please?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now