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Maprang's POV

"Mom!" I shout, walking in the door of my home. "Where is Kam?"

"'Prang!" My mom snaps, coming out of the kitchen, "I swear you have gotten worse since you went to university! What boy is going to date a girl that shouts like that?"

"A crazy nong called Oak Shinawatra," Kammon says as he follows my mom out. "I have to give him points for not dying."

"Kam!" I yell. I haven't told my mom I was dating yet, so why is he bringing it up!

"Oak Shinawatra?" My mom repeats, looking at Kammon. "What is he like?"

"A geek with glasses in her faculty," Kammon shrugs, "But he has a big heart and doesn't get scared off by her."

"A geek is good," My mom smiles, "And in your faculty. I like."

"I am not bringing him home," I tell her, crossing my arms. "We just started dating this year. Who knows if his temporary insanity is going to become permanent or not." I grumble as I drop my bag on the floor. "Is there anything to eat? I am starving." Trying to change the conversation away from my boyfriend. I will kill Kammon later for bringing it up.

"I am making dinner," My mom smiles, "Glad you are back home, even if it is just to pick up Kam."

"Mom, we were together last week," I point out, "Or is your old age catching up with you?" Kammon giggles at this.

"Do you want to make your food yourself?" My mom frowns at me.

"Glad I am home too, Mom," I run over to hug her, "I missed you."

"Good try, daughter," Mom snorts, "Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes. It will just be us three. Your father got called into work."

"Mom," I pout, tugging on the hem of her shirt.

"I know," Mom cups my cheek, "I won't tell your dad you are dating, but I want to see a picture of this geek at least."

"At dinner," I promise and let go of her after she swats my hand. When she closes the door to the kitchen, I round on Kammon.

"Why the hell did you bring up Oak, you moron!" I huff before I run over, pulling him into a hug. Stepping back, I punch him in the chest.

"Make up your mind, 'Prang," Kammon grumbles, rubbing his chest. "You are either happy to see me or mad at me."

"Both!" I bark. "Why the hell couldn't you tell..."

"Language, 'Prang!" My mom shouts from the kitchen.

"Sorry," I call over my shoulder before I quietly finish what I was asking, "Why the hell didn't you tell us at graduation?"

"The freak followed me there," Kammon hisses. "He sent me pics of me with you guys. I didn't know who it was, so I was afraid I would be overheard. I was freaking out."

"You should have found a way!" I accuse as I take a good look at him. He has gotten so thin and pale. It is too much like when he was struggling with what happened at university. I know all of my friends think Kammon can handle himself no matter what is thrown at him, but that is just a show most of the time. There are scars that prove he can't. I grab his hand.

"We were all worried when we found your message, Kam," I admit.

"How is P'Bright?" Kammon asks, looking away from me.

"What do you think?" I mumble, "P'Bright is so much like you. He doesn't want any of us to know he is falling apart, but we all know it. He was scared and angry at himself for not seeing it sooner."

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now