Get There

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Kammon's POV

"Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen," I count as he walks away. I smile at the sound of the opening and closing of the car door. I look up at the wall I had been working on to gain access to that window. "OK."

The drywall is ready to be broken away, but I have yet to figure out how to get up there. All that is in this place furniture-wise is the mattress I have been using as a pallet. I need something I can step up on to get out of the window.

Late yesterday a horrible thought popped up. What if the window is glass blocks and not a window. I couldn't see this side when he brought me here. All of this work could be for nothing, and once I break the drywall away, my kidnapper will know I have been trying to escape. I don't know how he would react to this.

"Can you break through the glass block?" I ask no one. I would think the answer would be yes since it is glass, but this is structural glass, not window glass. It is designed to be a wall, not a window. Even if I could break it, I don't think it would be in a manner that would allow me to escape.

"Fvck!" I growl. I don't want to admit all of this has been for nothing. "Whatever," I huff. "I need to figure out how to get there first, and then I can go from there." Walking over, I peel off the blankets and get to moving the mattress over to the wall. I may be able to double it over or at least lean in up against the wall. That might be all I need to reach the window.

After several minutes I manage to get it up against the wall. Mattresses are not the easiest to move by one person. I sink down on top of it to catch my breath.

"Kammon, you suck," I heave. "I seriously need to work out more." I lean my head back to look at the wall. I have bet everything on this, and working at this has kept me from freaking out. What is going to happen if this fails?

Bright's POV

Knott places a hand on my knee, and I look over at him. I realize I must have been fidgeting, and he is trying to assure me.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"Nothing to apologize for," Knott says, not looking at me but out the window. "How much farther do we have to go?"

"According to the GPS, we have about another twenty minutes," P'Boon answers, and I growl.

"Can't we go faster?" I ask and flinch when Knott squeezes my knee.

"We want to get there, N'Bright," P'Dear says over his shoulder, "I don't want to get a ticket or have a wreck." P'Dear pauses when we come to a light. He looks at me in the rearview mirror. "We will get there, N'Bright." After a moment, I give him a nod. When the light changes, P'Dear looks away and goes through the intersection.

I turn away to look out the window. We have a window of time before whoever is using P'Third's car shows up again. If this person is bringing food, lunch is just hours away. Getting there is not only the issue because once we do get there, but we also need to find out if Kammon is there, and I doubt he is being held in a place, we can just waltz into and easily rescue him.

"We will get there," I mumble as the streets outside the car begin to blur as my eyes water. I wipe away at the tears. Stop it, Bright. This is not an if.

Kammon's POV

After trying to lean the mattress against the wall and attempting to climb up, I sit against the opposite wall, disgusted. I get close, but I don't think I will be close enough to haul myself up and out of the window.

Every time there is a sound outside, I stopped to listen hard. I don't know how long I have been at this, but I know lunch is approaching, which means he will be coming back. It is just a matter of time.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now