Wasted On Regrets

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P'Rune's POV

"What do you mean?" I sigh, switching over to speaker as I place the phone on the counter, "Where else would I be? I am at the bar. Closing it down. Someone asked me to cover his shift for him so he could go out with his friend."

"My friend is getting married, P'Rune," N'Tic grumbles, and I smile, knowing he is rolling his eyes at me.

"Yeah, I think I remember you mentioning that a time or two," I chuckle, "So if you are supposed to be partying with your friend, why are you calling me?"

"Oh!" N'Tic shouts. I am so glad this call is on speaker and not next to my ear. "You remember that guy." I stop setting the glass in the rack to dry and gape at the phone as I pick up the next one to wash.

"That guy? I think I am going to need more details, N'Tic," I shake my head while I start to wash the next glass.

"You remember that night that nong from Rangsit was at our bar?" N'Tic questions. I pause.

"Rangsit?" I ask as I quietly set the glass back down, realizing that I had gripped so hard I was about to break it. I left uni and my past, but this year my past made too many appearances and stirred up way too many memories.

"You remember. The nong that brought..." N'Tic starts and stops before he shouts, "I will be there in a minute!" I look at my phone. He had said enough for me to figure out which nong he was referring to. Not the drunk but N'Jett.

He had shown up one night with a letter from Tay. I turn and look at the picture on the shelf. Next to it is Tay's and my gear. Wearing it after he was gone weighed on me. In the end, I was left with no choice but to take it off and walk away from everything. When I read the letter N'Jett had brought me, I knew I had made the right decision.

"What..." I croak, my throat feeling tight and dry all of a sudden. "What about that nong?"

"Well," N'Tic hesitates, "Not that nong but the one who brought the others from Rangsit to find him." I feel like someone doused me with cold water. Som.

"I think I know who you are talking about," I say. "What about him?"

"He was at the last bar we were at," N'Tic explains, "He was pretty drunk."

"And?" I hedge, unsure why I need to know that Som is drunk.

"I might be mistaken," N'Tic mumbles, "But I overheard some guys when I was in the bathroom." N'Tic pauses, and I want to strangle him. Just tell me why you are calling me about Som!

"I think," N'Tic starts and stops, and I barely keep myself from yelling at him, "I think they are going to mess with him. The guy was pretty plastered."

"What has this to do with me?" I ask.

"P'Rune," N'Tic says in a tone of disapproval. "I know you left that all behind, but you were his Head Hazer. And as much as you say it is no longer a part of your life, you and I both know you don't forget those lessons."

The words N'Jett said to me that night come back to me.

"You should forgive P'Som. He loved your brother, and if he had known what P'Tay was going to do, he would have died trying to stop him."

Echoed by the words, he said to Som.

"I learned something. Tomorrows are not always there, so don't waste them on regrets."

How many tomorrows have I wasted on regrets?

Jett's POV

"What are you frowning at?" Tutah asks me, coming up behind me and resting his chin on the top of my head.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now