Unbelievably Stupid

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Yacht's POV

"Why did you call them?" I grumble to P'Arthit.

"I didn't," P'Arthit shrugs grinning, "They tracked me."

"Tracked?" I repeat. "Isn't that stalking?"

"We don't stalk. We track," P'Knott tells me. "And you are avoiding the obvious question here."

"Track? Obvious question? Huh?" I am so confused.

"Yeah," P'Bright scowls, "Who the hell do we need to kill?"

"Yeah," P'Prem agrees, "Who?"

"We don't kill people," P'Tutah snaps as he slaps P'Bright on the back of the head, just as P'Ice does the same to P'Prem. "Seriously, though. Who do we need to maim?" P'Prem and P'Bright turn to glare at P'Tutah. "Just because we can't kill them doesn't mean we can't hurt them," P'Tutah explains with a shrug.

"OK," P'Prem and P'Bright brighten at this idea.

"Besides, killing is so much work," P'Ice puts in. "Planning. Cleaning. Disposing of the body. Way too much effort." I gape at my senior.

"Ai'Ice has a point," P'Arthit agrees, looking thoughtfully at P'Ice. "It would be a lot of work."

Closing my eyes, I sigh. Someone, please explain to me why these guys are my seniors? Of all the people in the universe. Why these guys? I love them, but sometimes it is like being stuck in a clown car, and right now, I am beginning to feel like they are sucking me into their craziness. And how did P'Ice get looped into it?

"What are you guys...," I pause, realizing I am sounding disrespectful but continue since I am at a loss, "What are you talking about?"

"Nong," P'Knott steps closer and places a finger under my chin, tilting my face upwards, "You did look in a mirror this morning, right?" I push his hand away.

"Yes," I grumble, "I did. I know exactly what I look like."

"And you still don't want to tell us who we need to ki...," P'Arthit pauses and looks over at P'Tutah, who has raised an eyebrow and changes the question, "Who we need to hurt?"

"Why do you need to hurt anyone?" I am so confused.

"Nong," P'Bright walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder, "Just tell us who beat you up? All we need is a name." Oh. Now, this makes more sense if they think someone did this to me. "So give us their name."

"Yacht," I state.

"OK. We kill Yacht," P'Bright rubs his hands together with an eager grin.

"We are not killing...." P'Tutah stops, and all the seniors turn on me.

"Wait...Who?" They say in unison.

"Me! I did this to myself," I admit gesturing to my face. "Please don't make me explain, P'. It is embarrassing as hell. I can't believe I will have to hold this year's gear ceremony looking like this!"

"HOW?!?" P'Ice gasps.

"I said I don't want to explain, P'!" I shout, wincing in pain, and cup my jaw, wishing I hadn't done that.

"You really did this to yourself?" P'Arthit asks. "You are not lying to us?"

"I really did this to myself," I sigh, "Haven't you ever done something unbelievably stupid?" I would laugh when five heads all swivel to look at P'Bright, but I know it will hurt.

"Whoa... whoa... whoa! Just wait a minute! I am not the only one of us to do something stupid," P'Bright barks.

"He said unbelievably stupid," P'Tutah clarifies with a grin. "Do you want me to list them?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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