one hundred and eighty two: las vegas (part two)

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"dr. reid!" dr. norman said as he came up to you and reid as you both walked into the main part of the building. your hand was resting on your stomach as reid looked up at him. 

he reached his hand out, shaking his hand as he responded.

"hi, i'm here to see my mom," he said as the dr. norman looked over at you. 

"and who is this?" he asked in confusion. "is she with you or come here alone?"

"she's my girlfriend," reid said to him as he stuck out his hand as you shook it as well. he smiled down towards you, noticing your pregnancy. 

"congratulations," he said as you smiled up at him. 

"thank you," you said softly.

"well, your mother is over there on that couch. will you be staying the night?" he asked as you looked over towards reid as he responded. 

"yes, i will be," he said. "but ____ will not. she's just here for visiting."

he nodded, allowing the two of you to leave and go towards the couch as he congratulated you once more before walking away. 

"does your mom even remember me?" you asked him as he shrugged while the two of you looked over at the couch.

"i couldn't forget that beautiful face of yours," he replied as you smiled before the two of you sat down in front of his mom as you swallowed thickly, rubbing your hand over your stomach as you let out a small sigh. 

"hey, mom," reid said as you smiled over at her. 

"hi, ms. reid," you spoke up as she looked up at the two of you. 

"spencer," she said. "_____."

reid smiled at you and then his mom before he spoke up again.

"we came here to visit you," he began to explain. "i got permission to stay here for a night and sleep on the couch in your bedroom whereas _____ will be leaving in a little while to get back home." 

she nodded, looking over at you as you were wincing some, rubbing your hand across your stomach, letting out a heavy exhale before inhaling deeply. 

"what's wrong, _____?" she asked you, causing reid to look over at you. 

"nothing, ms. reid," you began. "i'm okay."

you continued to rub your hand across your stomach as you gave reid a reassuring smile. 

"_____, i went through a pregnancy too, you know," reid's mom said as you nodded, paying attention to what she was going to say to you. "i know that there is something going on."

you gave her a gentle smile, looking towards reid who was looking at you with concern embedded deep into his eyes. 

 "i'm okay," you told him softly, trying not to focus on the pains you were feeling internally. 

he took your free hand in his as you looked back over towards his mom as she continued to stare at you. 

"there is something going on," she said as you smiled sweetly at her. "i'm a mother, i can sense these sorts of things. soon you will too."

you nodded, looking over at reid again before feeling the pain come back to you. 

you winced once more, looking up towards the ceiling as you tried to take even breaths, looking up towards the ceiling while rubbing your stomach. 

"_____," reid said as you continued to wince while he tried to get some information out of you. "are you sure that you're okay?" he asked while you rubbed your stomach still. 

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