sixty five: hookers & investigations (part two)

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morgan, rossi, reid, and yourself were now in reid's dad's office as he began asking questions about the entire reason that they were here in the first place. reid had his hands in his pockets when walking to his dad's office in the back but as soon as he entered the room, his hand was intertwined in yours. 

"so," his dad asked. "you were in town for that recent murder, huh? i heard about that. what an awful thing to happen," he said as he nodded out of sadness for the victim before looking back up at the guys and yourself. 

when his eyes landed on yours, he smiled. 

"so," he began his sentence with once more. "you're spencer's girlfriend?"

you nodded. "yes, i am."

"so, you two have been dating for about a year and a half?"

"four, actually," reid said as his eyes kept contact with his father's. his dad kept staring at you. 

"you're a gem," he said with a smile. "i'm glad spencer found you. and four years? that's a long time."

you nodded, your hand tightening on his as he cleared his throat. 

"dad," he said. "would you stop talking about my girlfriend and focus on the question that we asked you previously?"

"why didn't you ever tell me about her?" he asked. 

"there has never been a need nor a way for us to communicate. so why would i tell you about my life, even my girlfriend?" reid questioned his dad as he pulled you a little closer to him. 

"i  always wanted the best for you, spencer. it's not like i can google you and get your girlfriend's name whereas whenever i google you, i can get your papers, books, and even papers written about you. i'm just glad to know that someone is looking after you." 

reid shook his head. "look," he said in a frustrated grumble. "can you just answer the damn question we asked you?"

he stood up, shaking his head. " i didn't have anything to do with killing that boy, spencer. you have to believe me on that aspect of it all."

"we just want your cooperation," rossi said. morgan finished his sentence for him. "so if you can give us access to your computer files and stuff like that."

"if you want to look in my stuff," he said. "you'll have to get a warrant."

reid grumbled as he let go of your hand and stormed out of the office.  rossi followed after him as you stayed put for a minute as you looked out to where he walked off to. when you turned back around, his dad was standing there smiling at you. 

"i'm so glad you found spencer," he told you. "you don't know how badly i have wanted him to find a girl much like you."

"you don't know anything about me," you told him softly. "like you told reid, you can't just google his name and see his girlfriend. so, how would you know anything about me also if you two haven't talked in forever?" 

he smiled, chuckling a little as he reached out and touched your arm tenderly. 

you immediately took a cautionary step back into morgan as he led you out of the room and thanked him for his time. you felt yourself being led away but you couldn't feel anything. you were unsure of his intentions towards you. all you knew is that you did not feel safe without reid being there to keep his father in line. 

"you okay?" morgan asked you. 

you couldn't nod or say anything which only caused morgan to stop walking the two of you out of the building. "____, are you seriously okay?"

"i- i don't really-" you trailed off, still feeling his touch on your arm. "no? maybe?" 

morgan put his hand on your shoulder as you looked up at him. 

"why would he touch me?" you asked him.

he shrugged. "he doesn't seem like the type of person that would likely assault someone but maybe he was just saying that it can be peaceful between the two of you and him."

you nodded. "okay, okay.  can you just get me to calm down before we go out to see reid? i can't have him worried over this too."

 morgan nodded. "do you want some water?"

you nodded. "yeah, sure."

he went over to the counter of the office building and managed to get you a water bottle and gave it to you. 

"here," he said. 

you took a sip of the water after thanking him for getting it. "maybe because i know so much about his dad because of reid and his dad doesn't know much about me, that's why i was uncomfortable."

morgan nodded, grabbing your arm and gently leading you outside to where reid and rossi were standing. 

"i started getting worried there for a second," reid said as you forced out a smile. you immediately connected your hand with his as you took another sip of water. 

"he touched you, didn't he?" reid questioned. 

"reid, we don't have time to be more angry at him more than you already are. you can't go back in and say something. just leave it alone," you told him gently. "just leave it alone until later times."

reid shook his head, looking off to the side. "he fits the profile."

"reid, just because he lightly touched your girlfriend's arm doesn't mean that he is a pedophile," morgan said. "i think at this point you are just trying to give yourself a reason to arrest him."

reid shook his head, keeping your hand tightly in his. 

"let's go. we have other people to question," reid muttered with his tighter grip on your hand as rossi and morgan followed the two of you.


part three coming soon. 

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