one hundred and thirty nine: washed up

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"are you going to tell me what's going on?" you asked reid as you say back in the chair at the café that he had taken a seat inside in order to try and silently study the online comments from the paper. "hey, spence," you said softly as he set the pen down before looking up at you.

"do you ever get the feeling that you let yourself down or could've done more with your life?" he asked you, his soft eyes looking into yours.

you furrowed your brows, continuing to look at him.

"no," you said softly. "at this age, i'd figured i'd be doing what i am right now. i achieved what i wanted. why? is everything okay?"

he let out a sigh, looking back down towards the table as he began to speak again.

"_____," he began. "i don't know why i'm in the fbi."

your eyes softened more as he looked back up at you.

"what makes you say that, spence?" you asked him softly, keeping your hands under the table and in your lap as you messed around with your ring.

"i just feel like i let myself down. i feel like i could change the world and i didn't," he said softly.

you shook your head. "you are changing the world. you're changing it in ways that may not seem like much but you're saving lives which i think is pretty incredible."

you looked down at the notes, seeing he had circled many things on them. you looked back up at him, seeing him continuing to look at you with the soft look in his eyes.

you smiled, reaching across and grabbing the page that he had been circling on as you also grabbed the pen with it. reid looked at you in confusion.

"what are you doing?" he asked softly. you looked through it all, circling random things that looked important to you but you knew didn't mean anything to reid. you just wanted him to realize and understand that you were here for him and here to help him realize that he was making a huge impact on many communities.

"i'm just seeing what you missed, spence," you muttered, circling another random word. he let out a confused, somewhat annoyed sigh as he tried to take it back.

"no, what are you doing, _____? you're going to mess it up," he muttered.

you shook your head, continuing to circle random things before he finally took it back from you as you sat forwards and observed his every movement.

"that's it," he muttered softly, writing down whatever his beautiful brain saw. you smiled at him softly, taking your phone out as you began to call hotch but reid looked back up at you.

you stopped in your movements, feeling your heart stopping briefly before finally gaining the ability to breathe again.

he just looked so cute whenever he was passionate about something. the way that his eyes sparkled and the way he had somewhat of a smile on his lips made you feel different. you felt your hand on the phone but you didn't do anything. reid looked towards the phone that you held onto before setting his pen down.

"_____, everything okay?" he asked.

you continued to stare at him, suddenly feeling a smile come onto your lips. you couldn't help it. you felt all the love in the world to this boy.

"i need to call hotch but," you paused, still admiring him as he looked off to the side briefly before clearing his throat.

"but, what?" he asked.

you continued smiling.

"when you're passionate about something, you're so cute. i just don't understand how you can be even cuter when you're doing something you're good at or that you love," you responded.

reid chuckled, standing up and collecting the page in his pocket and also pocketing the pen before walking over to you and kneeling down to get closer to you since he was much taller.

he smiled up at you, holding onto your hand as you gushed over him with all of your heart.

"i love you," you said softly as he continued to smile, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"i love you too," he responded. "but we should continue to work on this case."

"don't leave the fbi," you muttered. he shrugged.

"you'll have to wait and see," he spoke softly. you laughed, punching his arm gently before leaning forwards and pressing a kiss to his lips. when you let go, he smiled.

"i'm not leaving the fbi," he said. "how could i do that when i met you here? when i got into what i loved most here? when all my friends are here? i couldn't do it."

you nodded, pressing one last kiss to his cheek.

"good," you said. "now, let's go find hotch and tell him what your beautiful mind has discovered."

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