sixty eight: not due yet

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"hey, you okay?"  morgan asked you as you rubbed your pregnant stomach. you looked up at him, lightly wincing before giving him a smile as you continued to rub your stomach. 

"yeah, i'm fine," you told him, continuing to look at the case file while reid wrote on the board. you kept rubbing your stomach, wincing a few times but continued to work nonetheless. when you got up, you  walked over to reid and gave him your papers to look over. 

he smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you went outside of the room and out to give one of the main detectives another sheet of paper with some more information on it. you gave him the paper before walking back to another room and sitting down.

"hey, sorry to make you get up again but can you help me out with figuring this out from the case?" prentiss asked you. you nodded, pushing yourself out of the chair as you winced, rubbing your stomach once more. 

"you alright?" she asked. you nodded. "yeah, i'm fine. i wish people would stop  asking me that," you muttered softly. prentiss stopped your walking, looking at you dead in the eye.

"this happened earlier?" she asked you.

you nodded, wincing a little again as you rubbed your stomach once again. 

"_____, i think you might be going into labor!" 

"who's going into labor?" garcia asked as she took her small computer over to the room where hotch, rossi, and reid were sitting as they waited to add more information to the case. 

"_____ is, i'm pretty sure!" 

"oh my god! you're going into labor, _____?" garcia asked as she set down her stuff on the table next to her. you shook your head, trying to go back to the room where everyone else was but they wouldn't allow you to go back to working. 

"newsflash! you're going into labor!" garcia said with a smile as she grabbed the hand that wasn't on your stomach. 

"no, i am not due for another two weeks," you told her as you winced a little once more. 

prentiss went into the room as you stayed outside with garcia. you were wincing every so often, trying to stop hurting but it seemed nearly impossible. 

"guys, not to take away from this moment of work but do not worry- _____ is in good hands," prentiss said as she was about to leave but reid stopped her. she knew that he would- he was your boyfriend after all. 

"wait, what?" he asked, stopping with whatever he was writing on the board as he looked outside of the glass to see you wincing a little and rubbing your stomach as you kept a grip on garcia's hand. "she's going into labor? i need to go be with her," he said. 

prentiss shook her head. 

"no, reid, they need you on this case. they can do without us for a little while. we'll be back as soon as we can," prentiss said as hotch nodded.

"yes, please take her and then get back here as soon as you know that she is in good hands," hotch said as prentiss nodded, walking back out to get you. you winced a little more as soon as you had to start walking out of the police department. 

reid watched you go, a concerned look on his face as he saw you wince along the way. 

"reid, she'll be okay,"  morgan told him. "you need to stay focused though."

reid nodded, watching you walk out the door and then he proceeded to stare at the ground for a brief moment. morgan put a hand on his shoulder. 

"reid, it's okay. she'll be okay. but right now, you have to focus on this case and saving these people. you can see her after she's out," he said.

reid nodded, looking back towards the board as he tried to take his mind off of you. 

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