one hundred and thirty eight: shy & awkward

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author's note: thanks for one hundred thousand reads on this book:) reid would be proud of all of you!!

you sat in the audience at the conference meeting as you waited for reid to go up to the podium to speak. you were looking around at the room as they listened to the lady introduce your boyfriend before he went up to speak. when he got up there, he introduced himself before awkwardly moving the microphone to better reach his height.

you stared at him with a proud smile as he awkwardly stumbled through his speech and the silence that followed it.

once he finished, he came off the stage and took a seat back in his chair as you continued to smile at him.

after the conference ended, you met up with him afterwards as emily talked to other people who were interested in different cases she had worked on while others met the author.

"hey!" you said with a smile. "you did so well!"

reid smiled sweetly at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you smiled up at him.

"thanks," he said softly. "thank you. are you sure that i wasn't awkward or weird about anything when i was explaining things?"

you shook your head, slipping your hand into his as you continued to smile softly up towards him.

"of course you weren't, spence," you began. "i could see a sparkle in your eye," you told him softly. "it was cute."

he blushed before clearing his throat as he looked down at you again.

"i love you," he said softly, in a happy tone as you laughed gently.

"i love you too, spence," you replied louder than he had first told you in. you couldn't help but smile at him continually. your love for him was overflowing.

even though he was sometimes a bit shy and awkward. you still loved him.

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