three: first time

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"you have to promise me that hotch will not profile me again," you told reid as you two entered the room. he only laughed.

"he only did that because he wants to make sure he trusts everyone he works with."

you sighed. "yeah, well, i don't appreciate being looked into when i don't even work here."

you both entered the room, walking over to reid's desk as he sat down in the chair and you took a seat on the edge of his desk. he stared up at you, observing your every move you made.

"reid," morgan called from the top floor. he snapped out of it, spinning around to face him. "conference room now. hey, ____," he finished, giving you a smile. reid spun back around to face you.

"come on, you have bad guys to catch," you told him. he sighed.

"i know, but i'd rather stay here with you."

you chuckled, jumping down from the desk and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "go on, reid. they need you and that beautiful, big brain of yours."

he smiled, watching as you turned around and left but gave him another smile before turning out of the building and walking down the stairs.

he smiled to himself before morgan called him again. "reid, come on. we can't wait all day while you sit out here and kiss your girlfriend."

he rolled his eyes but joined his team in the conference room, all the while thinking of you.

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