sixty nine: be with him (part one)

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"emily, can you please tell me anything at all?" you asked her. you waited for her response as you paced around the apartment. you weren't told to stay inside but after hearing the very brief news about what happened with reid, you stayed inside for the rest of the time.

"_____, i'm so sorry. i can't tell you anything about what is going on. maybe he'll call you or maybe he won't but who knows," she said as you nodded to yourself.

"is he going to die?" you asked softly.

"oh, god no. i can tell you that, _____. he is not going to die. i have to go though- i'm sorry."

you nodded. "it's okay. i'll call you later, emily. thanks. bye."

when you hung up the phone, you sat down on the couch and felt like you had lost all of your oxygen. you felt so fearful and worried about him that you couldn't think straight. all of a sudden, your phone rang as you picked it up.

when you saw who it was, you answered immediately.

"reid?" you asked. you knew that he could hear that you were just crying- it was so obvious since you had just stopped.

"_____, sweetheart," he said. "don't cry for me. i'm going to be okay."

you wiped your eyes. " we don't know that, reid. i just want you to come home to me."

"____, i wish i could to but i can't. i have to stay here so that they can get it out of my system and protect you from getting it. which means-"

"no," you interrupted him. "i have to be with you. i need to be with you at the hospital, reid. i have to be."

reid sighed. "sweetheart," he said softly. "i don't think you can be."

you started crying again out of fear. you wanted to be with him now- you didn't care if you got the disease. you needed to be with him now.

"_____," reid said. "please do not cry. darling, i love you but i do not want to put you at risk."

"i can't do this away from you," you softly cried out. "i need to be physically with you."

there was silence for a little while after that sentence. he finally answered.

"maybe i can get morgan to get you in," he said softly.

"please, reid. please."

he nodded to himself. "i'll see you  later, _____."

when he ended the call, you immediately dialed morgan. you couldn't do this right now- you needed to be with him.

"morgan?" you asked when he answered.

"hey, _____. did you just talk to reid?"

you nodded. "yes, i did. can you get me in?   like, into the hospital so i can see him? and be with him? i can't be away from him without knowing that he is okay."

morgan didn't answer for a minute but finally replied.

"i'll only do it because you're his girlfriend but usually, they wouldn't allow it until later, _____."

you nodded to yourself, grabbing one of reid's many sweaters as you threw it on over his giant t shirt and you began to leave the house.

"i know," you told him while locking the door. "but i need to be with him. i can't- i can't sleep at night not knowing he's okay or not."

morgan nodded. "i understand, but it is strict orders. i'll see what i can do. until then, meet me back at the b.a.u. we caught the unsub, we just need to get reid to feeling better."

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