forty nine: it's too late

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"spence," j.j. said as he was about to storm out of the room. "i'm sorry."

he shook his head, holding out his arms.

"it's too late," he said as he stormed out of the building and onto the streets to get some fresh air.

"_____, go after him," you heard emily say to you as rossi backed her up on that request as well. "he clearly needs someone."

"he's sensitive right now," you muttered, looking at all of them as you grabbed some of the files in your hands. "i can't do anything about it right now. he has things to go through on his own."

j.j. looked at you in confusion.

"but, _____, do you not understand that-"

"yes, j.j., i understand," you told her sharply. "but when reid is in a very bad mindset, he can't focus on anything but that and he needs time to cool off. now i have a case to work on."

you began to walk off, hearing someone call your name behind you as you turned around.

"_____, this is an order," hotchner began. "you have to go talk to reid."

you let out a sigh, setting down the files as you walked out of the building and down the street where you saw reid sitting on a bench.

you came up, sitting down next to him.

"hey," you said.

"hey," he responded.

you looked over at him, noticing how he was reading something at the quickest pace you've ever seen him read.

"reid," you muttered.

"not you too," he said with a sigh of disappointment. you looked at him in disbelief- a spark lighting in your eye.

"fine," you said, standing up. "if you want to talk to me about it, come find me. but don't treat me like j.j."

you stood up, walking back off towards the building when you heard reid stand up and come grab your hand, pulling you into his arms.

you rested your hands on his arms that were wrapped around your waist.

"i'm sorry," he muttered. "i just don't know how to cope with this type of thing."

you looked off to the side.

"what do you think my job as your girlfriend is? to let you suffer in pain?"

he shrugged, holding you close to him as people passed. you had your eyes on the building, thinking of all the work you two had to do.

"reid," you muttered. "we have to get back to work. if you don't want to work with j.j, work with me."

he nodded, resting his chin on your head. before he finally let go, he pressed a kiss to your cheek and intertwined your hands together as he led you back to the building.

"you have to forgive her sometime," you told him.

he shook his head.

"in time."

you nodded.

"i love you."

"i love you too."

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