ninety one: we'll have to wait

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i know a bunch of pregnant ones but stick with me here because i have others and also i'm having bad baby fever for some reason idk why

UPDATE: added more details!

"_____!" garcia said in excitement as you walked into the bau building with reid that morning. your hand was resting on your pregnant stomach as you gave her a smile.

"hey, garcia," you said gently as reid looked over at you. you looked back up at him.

"so, i can't fly with you if you do have to fly to a secondary location," you told him as he nodded.

"we'll be careful," he said. "just call me if anything is happening. remember that contractions that are either five to seven minutes apart from each other is a sign that we should go to the hospital because-"

"no, no," you told him softly. "we have to wait. it has to be tomorrow that the baby comes," you told him as you held onto his hand. he cocked his head.

"why's that?" he asked.

"because of the insurance," you told him with a smile. "they'll pay for two days in the hospital tomorrow and we'll be with a bunch of doctors to help us out. we have to wait until tomorrow," you told him with a small smile.

he pressed a kiss to the side of your head before leaving to go up to the bau conference room as you looked over at garcia.

"so," you asked her. "ready to solve some crimes?"

she smiled, linking her arm with yours as you kept a hand on your stomach. while you two were walking up to her office section, garcia began asking you some questions out of curiosity.

"_____, what's it like?" she asked as you smiled.

"being pregnant?"

she nodded, helping you up the stairs.

"yeah," she replied back as you let out an exhale.

"well, it's not like it's a wonderful experience to go through," you responded. "i've gained so much weight."

garcia laughed. "you look great, what are you talking about."

you chuckled, tucking some hair behind your ear as you went through the open door to garcia's office and took a seat in the chair.

"thanks, garcia," you told her with a smile as she shut the door and joined you in her own chair next to the one you were sitting in.

"_____, are you sure you're going to keep a baby inside you until tomorrow because i feel like if the baby is coming," garcia started. "the baby will be coming."

you nodded, rubbing your stomach lightly.

"yeah," you told her. "i'm having this baby tomorrow. there is no way that i'll be having it today."

garcia looked over at you, watching you continually rub your stomach.

"are you alright?"

you nodded. "it's comforting," you told her. "don't worry, i'm not going into labor or anything yet. not until tomorrow."

garcia laughed gently. "you're so determined that it'll be tomorrow. i'm just saying, this kid is going to be a rebellious one and try to come out today."

you chuckled. "let's hope that isn't true."

it was about five o'clock in the evening and you had gone throughout the entire building floor, simply walking around to get your focus off the pregnancy pains.

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