fifty five: sitting in the dark

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"so, would he be using this as a sacrifice then?" hotch asked you as you looked through the file before shaking your head.

"no, i don't think so," you replied. "you see, he's cutting off the pieces of the body but not using them for anything. he takes them and takes them with him. it's like he's trying to send a message or he's trying to build something. i wouldn't say it's a ritual because i've never heard of any type of religion using humans for a sacrifice."

prentiss smiled as morgan laughed.

"what?" you asked, sitting back in your seat as you stared at morgan. he gave you a smile as he crossed his arms and sat back as well.

"you're just like reid," he said as garcia nodded from the computer screen. you raised a brow.

"how am i-"

"____, you just know things. and you enjoy rambling when reid isn't," morgan interrupted as you sat back, blushing.

"let's stay on focus, please," hotch said as he turned to reid. "reid, you have anything?"

he looked up from the dark corner that he was sitting in, making blurry eye contact with you and then proceeded to move his eyes to hotch's. you cocked your head in confusion.

"uh," he began. "nothing else that _____ hasn't already said."

"damn, _____," garcia chuckled. "you just stole reid's spotlight."

you looked towards the camera before standing up and walking over towards the back of the plane as you stood by the coffee maker. hotch sighed.

"alright, lets all just wait until we get there for further instruction," hotch said as everyone went back to studying the case.

you stayed over in your spot, pouring a cup of coffee before coming over to the dark corner where reid was sitting, reading a book, and took a seat across from him.

"hey," you said. "everything okay? you seem like something is hurting you or something."

reid looked up at you briefly before looking back down at the book that was in his lap. you saw he was lightly rubbing his eye as you set down your cup of coffee and gave him a concerned look.

"____," he muttered, feeling your eyes on him. "i'm fine, really. don't worry about it."

you sat back in the chair, taking a sip of the coffee you picked up in your hand.

"____," reid said, looking back up at you once more. you continued to look at him, a feeling of concern growing in your stomach. "you don't need to worry. i've just been having headaches but it hasn't been anything that i couldn't handle. i'm fine."

you heard morgan calling you over to talk to him about something so you got up, giving reid a kiss on the cheek as you felt him lean into your touch.

you let go, giving him a concerned yet sweet smile, and headed off to see what morgan needed.

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