forty five: perfectly imperfect

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being with reid was easy, it was simple, it was perfectly imperfect in its own ways. you couldn't help but feel the sensation deep down in your body. 

when your eyes landed on him, every problem melted away as you stared at the love of your life. he seemed perfectly imperfect.

when he looked back at you, you smiled.

morgan looked over at the two of you sitting next to each other. he knew how you had gotten.

"are you sure about this?" you asked morgan, holding onto your coffee as you walked up to where reid was standing.

he nodded, chuckling.

"____, come on," he pleaded. "you two would be perfect together."

"well, considering nothing is perfect," you muttered. "we'd be perfectly imperfect together."

morgan chuckled once more, staring over at reid as he studied the newest newspaper.

"yeah," he mumbled. "perfectly imperfect."

he kept smiling over at the two of you, noticing the way that you were staring up at him like he was the only thing that mattered in your life.

your heart race sped up when he laughed at something you said or whenever he smiled down at a problem that he just solved.

it was crazy how fast things moved between you and reid, how crazily imperfectly perfect it had become.

"come on," you begged him, holding onto his hand as you tried to pull him towards the bar. reid only shook his head, still holding your hand as he stared down into your pleading eyes.

"_____, you know how i feel about these places," he muttered to you but a smile was still on his lips. he couldn't contain it.

you nodded, blinking a few times up at him.

"come on," you begged once more. "you know that you want to sing your heart out and finally recreate your little boy band scene."

he chuckled, letting you lead him inside the bar where karaoke was happening. he couldn't stop smiling at you, because of you.

you lightly placed your hand on his arm, catching his attention away from the papers on the desk in front of you two as your eyes continued to stare up at him.

morgan kept his eyes on the two of you.

he could see how fast you had fallen for him.

"how are you and reid?" he asked, seeing your cheeks heat up instantly at the mention of his name. you genuinely seemed in love.

"we're perfect," you told him, a bright smile on your lips. morgan chuckled.

"i thought you said that nothing was perfect," he replied back.

you continued to smile to yourself.

"reid is."

when you got reid's attention away from the papers, you watched as he studied your eyes before leaning down and pressing his lips gently to yours.

you could easily sink into it.

just like that night.

"come on," you said. "you have to pick one."

a bowl of popcorn sat between the two of you as you sat criss crossed on his bed, a pair of blue striped pajama pants on while you wore one of reid's shirts on top of it, tied up to make it shorter.

he sighed. "okay, well, i pick the books."

you let out a gasp.

"the harry potter books are not better than the movies!" you replied, seeing him shake his head.

"i think you just didn't understand the books," he replied, moving the bowl of popcorn out of the way.

you looked over at it. "you know i wasn't done yet. that-"

you stopped when he flipped you on your back, now looking up at him. you smiled, noticing that he was smiling at you too.

it was now a staring game between the two of you. you cocked your head in slight confusion, blinking a few times.

"what is it?"

reid sighed, letting out a smile as he moved a stray piece of hair off of your face.

"you're beautiful."

when he let go, you smiled up at him before refocusing back on the case files.

morgan had really created something perfectly imperfect. and he was okay with it.

because you both were.

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