fifty four: rambling

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"see, if he really felt remorse then he would of wrapped the body in plastic and buried him under the ground but instead he just decided to dispose of him very quickly and very openly. he didn't necessarily-" reid paused, noticing you staring at him. "what?" he asked.

you just continued to smile at him from your position in the chair across from the maps that reid was currently studying.

"nothing," you muttered, looking back down towards the table that the maps sat on. reid smiled back at you, raising a brow to urge you into talking again. you looked back up at him, seeing him staring at you. "what?" you asked him sweetly.

"come here," he said softly. you stood up, obeying him and walking over to where he was. he stared down into your eyes as you blushed, looking away as you smiled. he pulled you into his grasp as you sighed into his touch.

he couldn't help but smile.

"you're sweet," he muttered. "you listen to my rambling." you continued to blush as you held back onto him. closing your eyes, you felt yourself begin to drift away into a dreamlike stance.

"well," you told him. "it helps when you're as cute as you are."

he smiled, pressing a light kiss to your head as you tightened your grip on him, keeping you close to his body. he chuckled.

"do you really enjoy this or do you just enjoy keeping me from doing any work?" he asked you sweetly, looking back towards the maps as he studied them from where he was standing.

you stayed silent for a moment, keeping your grip tight on him. he let go of you with one arm as he picked up a pen and began mapping out a part of the map. he studied the map before hearing your voice and taking a moment to listen to you.

"reid?" you said softly.

he nodded. "yeah?"

"do you like being distracted from your work or do you just enjoy being with me?" you looked up at him from where you were as you saw him smiling as he looked off to the side.

"i enjoy you," he told you. he tightened his grip around you as he looked back over to the maps. you smiled, seeing that morgan and hotch were about to enter the room with prentiss so you gave him a brief kiss on the cheek before letting go of him and spinning back over to the chair where you sat and observed the maps yourself.

"hey, reid and ____, either one of you got anything?" hotch asked as reid pointed to a circle he had mapped out.

you couldn't help but smile to yourself.

when hotch nodded to morgan and prentiss, they all left the room as you looked back up at reid who was reading a text from garcia about one of the crime scenes that had occurred across a state line.

you stood back up, going over to him, and wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you held onto him. he smiled to himself.

"i think you enjoy distracting me from my work, ____," he muttered softly as he continued to read the text that garcia had sent. it was pretty long.

"mm," you muttered, closing your eyes as you held onto him still. reid laughed softly to the two of you.

"god," he said to you. "you're all over me, ____. so obsessive," he added jokingly. you frowned to yourself, opening your eyes as you let go of him to go sit in the chair across from him.

he frowned as you left.

"come back," he said softly to you. "____," he whined lightly. you stared at him in admiration, giving him a sweet, soft smile.

"_____," he spoke again softly. you blinked a few times at him as he stopped reading garcia's text completely.

when you finally stood back up, he smiled. you laughed slightly as you went over to the maps and began reading the notes reid had taken. soon you felt two arms pulling you close as you smiled.

"reid, now you're begging."

he pressed a soft kiss to your neck causing you to tighten your grip on his hands. he chuckled, sighing softly onto your neck as you felt your heart rate speed up.

"okay, okay," you muttered. "we seriously need to be working or doing something other than this right now."

he gave your neck another brief kiss before letting go of you and going back to reading the maps.

you smiled at him as the team walked back in.

'i love you' you mouthed to him as he smiled, giving you the biggest 'i absolutely adore you' look ever known.

you blushed heavily.

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