seventy three: hookers and investigations (part six)

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when you walked into the b.a.u., you immediately headed to garcia's office quarters as you opened the door with a look of concern on your face. you saw garcia turn around to face you with a smile.


she let out a sigh. "okay, i'm not that good at keeping secrets, _____. so i might have told everyone that you were pregnant?"  you gave her a confused look as you cocked your head. 

"you? what? am i in danger, garcia?" you asked her as you put a hand to your head as confusion set in which was giving you a headache that seemed to be pounding inside of your brain. 

"yeah, the danger is that everyone is going to want to talk to you about the whole situation," she muttered. "sorry, i put it that way. reid might not have portrayed it as i wanted it to be as well."

you ran a hand through your head as you nodded. 

"so," you muttered. "i'm not in danger?"

she nodded. "yes, you are fine. however, you won't be if you don't get to the b.a.u. room."

you nodded, looking around as you saw a trash can and immediately picked it up before throwing up in it. "oh, God," you muttered. "why am i still having symptoms."

garcia rubbed your back as you were ready to go find a place to dump out the trash can but garcia shook her head. "no, honey," she said softly. "i can take care of it." 

you nodded, setting it down as she led you to the b.a.u. room as you entered it and took a seat in your normal seat between reid and morgan. you put your head in your hands because of your headache. 

morgan looked over at you. "you alright?" he asked. 

you nodded. "yeah, i'm fine. we have a case to do."

j.j. nodded as she began to outline the details of the case. "in new jersey, there was a child abducted between twelve and six am and there have been two other children that were abducted as well." 

you felt the sickness coming back to your stomach as you tried to push it down. hotch glanced over towards you as you were trying to conceal your feeling to throw up. 

"______," he began as everyone stopped talking and paid attention to you. "are you sure that you can go out on this case?" he asked you. you looked up at him. 

"yes, hotch," you said softly. "can you just excuse me for a minute?"

he nodded as you stood up and walked out of the room.

 reid watched as you went while j.j. looked at reid.

"reid, you know, don't you?" she asked.

he nodded, looking over at her. "yeah, of course i do but it's just that- we aren't really ready so i think she's getting herself stressed out and making the symptoms more extreme." 

"maybe you should talk to her on the ride there," hotch suggested as he nodded. hotch continued his sentence."but since we know that there has been an abducted child, we need to get going now." 

everyone nodded as they walked out of the b.a.u. room as reid walked to where the bathrooms were to try and find you. when he got there, you were just coming out. 

"______, darling," he said softly. "you have to realize that you are okay. that we will be okay. and that everything that is happening right now is going to lead to something beautiful. but we have a case to work on, and i know that you can focus on it, so does everyone else."

you nodded, putting another hand to your head as you felt fatigue overwhelm your body. 

"dear God, what the hell is going on?" you muttered. "i'm so tired." 

reid shook his head. "come on, _____. you can do this. you just have to get to the car and then you can rest as we study the case."

you nodded, grabbing his hand in yours as he led you over to where the team was.

"i think that we're ready," he said. your grip on his hand was getting looser by the minute and he knew that soon you would be asleep so he had to hurry. 

he looked towards morgan. "she's fatigued and needs rest. so she'll have to be caught up later then because she needs to sleep on the ride over there."

he nodded. 

"how did this happen, kid?"

he shook his head. "i question it myself every minute of the day of how i managed to screw up our future so badly."

 morgan shook his head. 

"it is not either of your faults," morgan said. "maybe it was just a sign or time for it to happen." 

reid nodded, rubbing his thumb over your hand as he led you to the car. 

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