one hundred and twenty seven: yours

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"_____, can you tell hotch that we need to-" j.j. began but you grabbed a sheet of paper in front of you as you began walking off and away from her.

"have you seen morgan?" you asked her as you began to walk past her and kept focusing on the paper in front of you.

"he's with reid, why?" she asked as you walked past her and towards where the two were. when you got to the room that they were in, you walked over to morgan, handing him the sheet of paper before looking up at reid.

he was staring at you in confusion.

you nodded as a sign that you and him would talk later. he nodded back in response as morgan looked up at the two of you.

"_____, thanks, i'll go give this to j.j. and tell her that we got a short list," he told you. you nodded, watching him leave before looking up at reid.

"i can't do this with her," you told him as you stared up at him. "she's always constantly around you. she's always trying to say something just to you. she's always-" you kept trying to say but reid stopped you.

"hey, hey," he said softly. "it's okay, _____. you know that i'd never leave you for j.j. when you mean more to me than anything else in my life. you're my most absolute world. i love you with all of my heart."

you leaned forwards, laying your head on his chest as he smiled down at you. his hand rest itself on your back as he kept you close to him.

"i know," you replied. "but she's just all over you. and there is no way to stop her."

reid lifted your chin up from his chest as he stared deeply into your eyes. you felt yourself melting into his gaze as you leaned forwards slowly.

he gratefully allowed you to place your lips on his as you kept yourself close to him. when you let go, it was for a brief moment before you placed your lips back onto his again. reid smiled, looking at you after you let go.

"your eyes can just make me melt anytime," you told him softly. "and i love you."

he nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"i love you too, angel," he replied, holding you close to his body as you wrapped your arms underneath his. "but there is no reason to be jealous of j.j. when i obviously love you with all of my heart. there is no doubt in my mind that i'd jeopardize anything with you because of her wanting something more than friendship. you have to believe me, angel. especially with how much i show you that i love you."

you nodded, looking back up at him as you pressed another kiss to his lips. he smiled, keeping his focus on you.

when you let go again, he smiled at you.

"i can't believe you'd ever doubt me," he muttered softly, staring down into your eyes with his chocolate brown ones. "when i show you how much i adore you."

you smiled, pressing your lips back to his as j.j. walked into the room to see you two. she stood back, watching as you stayed close with reid. she suddenly knew the reason why.

"_____," j.j. said as you looked over at her after letting go of reid's lips. you looked over at her, still making sure to keep your grip on reid. "you know that i'd never try to take your boyfriend or anything. reid and i are just friends."

you kept looking at her before looking back up at reid as you pressed a kiss to his cheek before laying your head down on his chest.

"she sort of wants to be left alone right now," reid said to her as you closed your eyes and tightened your hold on him. "we'll catch up with you later."

j.j. nodded as she walked out of the room while you looked back up at him and kissed him once again.

he let go with a small laugh.

"why do you kiss me so much when you're jealous?" he asked with a slight laugh.

"because," you told him softly, pressing another kiss t his lips. "you're my boyfriend. and i love you with all that i have."

reid chuckled, keeping his hold on you. "before you ask, of course i'm not complaining. but you've got to-"

you kissed him again and then let go once more.

"you can keep doing it," he told you as you smiled, observing his eyes continually.

"i love you," you told him as he nodded.

"i know you do," he replied before pulling you back into a tight hug as he made sure to remind you that he was yours.

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