one hundred and forty nine: coming to you

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rainy nights, long days at work, and a mixture of relationship struggles were included in your life in every single day. tonight, your fight had gotten worse than what you expected as you had stormed out.

it was raining tonight and that meant that you were going to be either standing outside soaking up every drop or calling reid.

you picked the latter.

"reid?" you said softly in the phone. "can i come see you, please?" you said softly with the urge of crying on the tip of your tongue.

"of course," he replied back. "where are you?"

"i'm outside my boyfriend's apartment," you said softly, feeling yourself about to start crying. "reid, we need to talk."

he nodded to himself. "my door is open when you get here."

when reid opened the door, he saw you standing outside in the rain with tears running down your face. he could only tell because of the sad look in your eyes that you got everytime you were crying.

"come in, come in," he said softly as you did so.

when he shut the door, you wrapped your soaking wet sleeved arms around him as you held him close to you.

"i can't break up with him," you told him softly. "he won't let me and i just want to leave him because the lord knows how much i love you and-"

"wait," reid said softly, still holding onto you. "you love me?"

you realized you had slipped up bad this time as you felt yourself beginning to cry again and slowly let go of him but he shook his head, pulling you back to his grasp.

"______, it's alright," he said softly. "i want to be with you too, it's okay. we just need to figure out how to get you to break up with him."

"he's so controlling that he would never let me break up with him," you told him softly as he shook his head, keeping his firm grasp on you.

"we'll find a way," he told you. "until then, we can't date each other."

"why not?" you asked sweetly, resting your head in the crook of his neck as he let out a sigh.

"i'm not going to let you cheat on him with me," he said softly. "neither of us want that on our conscious."

you nodded, keeping yourself close to him as you let out a small sigh.

after many nights of coming to reid about your boyfriend and up until the last week where all you wanted to do was break up with him, you had finally been able to express how you felt. it was definitely something special.

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