one hundred and fifty two: motives for pregnancy (part two)

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author's note: let me know if you would like this to become a short series!!

when reid and morgan walked back into the station, morgan kept looking at you while you kept your glance down towards the table where you were writing some things down about the case. reid smiled over at you, knowing his promise he made to you.

"what did you guys find out?" hotch asked the two of them as reid came over and took a seat next to you, causing you to look up and over at him.

"well, none of the victims had a membership there except one. a majority of them enjoyed going out by different rivers and streams, stuff like that," morgan said looking over at you while you and reid were having a conversation with each other.

hotch nodded, pulling out his phone as rossi called him from the abduction sites that he and prentiss were visiting.

"are we trying tonight?" you asked him softly as he nodded, intertwining your hand in his.

"i can't wait to get you pregnant, sweetheart," he said softly, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as you smiled, looking back down towards the notes you had taken.

reid got up and left to go walk around the room and help figure out some locations where the victims had been seen visiting a couple of times while you continued to work on the notes.

morgan stared over at you, noticing the way your hair moved softly past your shoulder whenever you moved to look at the notes from the other sheet of paper.

he noticed the way that your eyes lit up every time you discovered some type of connection as compared to the way that they sparkled when studying the notes that had been given to you.

he noticed the way that you sat back in the chair if you didn't understand something but quickly sit back up in order to write down what you did know.

morgan was in love with you, he knew it now.

and while you were dating reid, he still wanted you bad. he was willing to risk what it took to try to get you with him.

reid came back over, looking down at what you had while you nodded in response to his many questions before answering some of them by pointing to something on the sheet of paper.

reid smiled, causing you to smile in return as you played with his fingers as he took a seat next to you.

you couldn't stop smiling at him.

morgan exhaled heavily.

the night after getting back from the case, reid was eager to get you pregnant. it was not only to show morgan commitment but it was also to show that he loved you and that he cared for you.

he held onto your hand tightly all the way through the bau as you made stops to talk to people on the way out.

"okay, bye emily. see you tomorrow," you told her as she gave you a side hug one last time since reid wouldn't let go of your hand.

"alright, pretty boy," you told him softly. "let's go make a baby."

he nodded, eagerly holding onto your hand still as you two walked out of the building and towards the elevator to where you would soon be going home with him and he would hopefully get you pregnant.

morgan watched as the two of you walked outside while he frowned. garcia came up to him, patting him on the back.

"what's the frown for?" she asked him while he sighed, looking away from the elevators that had now concealed you and reid inside.

"_____," he muttered. your name felt sweet to his lips as he smiled softly to himself.

"what about her? did she do something to you?" she asked him.

"she's dating reid," he muttered. "that's the problem. garcia, i'm in love with her."

garcia nodded, forming her mouth into a 'O' shape. "you're about four and a half years too late, derrick."

he nodded. "i know, and that's why i'm upset about it all."

she nodded. "maybe, maybe you and her will get a time together sometime but for now, her time is with reid and she loves him."

"do you really believe that or are you just saying it because you know it's what i want to hear?" he asked her while looking down at her.

"derrick," she began. "i think it's best to just let them be. if _____ and reid break up, maybe you could get a chance to date her but for now, she's so happy with reid. i've never seen her so happy before in my life. that girl has been through so much with her family and then losing her brother to a brutal murder. reid has been the light in her life ever since all that happened and he was always there for her."

morgan sighed, looking back towards the elevator where you had been with reid.

"why is this happening to me?" he asked softly.

garcia shrugged. "i'm not sure, but what i do know is you two are still friends. i think that that's something to celebrate. you didn't ruin the friendship- which is so important."

"but i love her," he said. "i told reid that i loved her."

garcia swallowed thickly. "oh."

there was silence between the two friends as they just turned around and walked towards the bau room to finish their final touch ups on the reports.

at home, reid was so excited that he couldn't contain himself. you had never seen him this excited about something before in his life other than when you two went to go see an accurate representation of space and humans together in the theater.

"spence, oh my gosh," you laughed. "what's up with you?"

"i'm excited, _____," he replied, bringing you with him as he lifted you up against his chest. you let out a laugh, causing him to set you down inside of his apartment before shutting the door with his foot as he pressed his lips to yours.

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