one hundred and sixty eight: best for her

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"so, what does keep young doctor reid awake at night?" morgan asked him as he stirred his coffee, smiling down at it.

morgan began listing things off before reid finally stopped him in mid sentence.

"well, actually," he began. "_____, lately. she's been needing me."

"needing you?" he asked, seeing how reid nodded, taking a sip of the coffee in the cup in his hands.

"yep," he replied, looking at him before seeing you come his way.

"hey, sorry to interrupt boy time but reid, we should talk later, okay?" you asked softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek before walking off.

"she's been 'needing' you? in what way?" morgan asked as reid stared off at you as you walked back over to garcia's office to drop off some files you were holding.

"she's been like," he began, not being able to put his words together. "she's been sort of touchy lately."

morgan raised a brow as reid looked back over to him.

"so, has she, you know?" morgan began but reid cleared his throat.

"she's just wanted more of my attention than what i usually give her, that's all," reid said, taking another sip of his drink as he watched you walk back out of garcia's office and towards j.j.'s office.

"don't you give her all of your attention?" he asked reid as he zoned back into the conversation and away from you.

"yeah, a majority of the time. but i think she's just dealing with something and wants to just have me," he replied as morgan put a hand on his shoulder.

"are you sure that nothing is going on with her? if she's being more touchy than usual, it could mean a lot, reid," morgan explained to him.

"like what?" he asked.

"well, it could be jealousy over another girl giving you more attention. it could mean that she thinks you're distancing yourself. the least likely option would be that you got her pregnant and she really doesn't know how exactly to deal with telling you but would rather just be with you pretty much all of the time," morgan said. "she might be trying to tell you something, kid. i think you need to pay more attention to her actions."

he watched you walk out of j.j.'s office, looking down towards the files that you had left before running a hand through your hair.

"is she okay?" reid asked.

"you're her boyfriend, go talk to her," morgan muttered as he took the cup from reid and set it down on the counter while reid walked over to where you were.

"hey, sweetheart," he spoke softly as you looked up at him, immediately grabbing his hand in yours as he felt your muscles loosen up from the past tenseness you had. "you wanted to talk?" he asked.

you nodded.

"yeah, can we talk in somewhere private?"

he nodded, leading you over to an empty room where morgan could still see somewhat of the conversation going on.

he noticed how touchy you were being with reid.

playing with his fingers, putting a hand on his arm, intertwining your hand with his, laying a hand down on his shoulder or his chest, just touching him in any way possible.

morgan furrowed his brows at what could be going on between the two of you.

"what did you want to talk about?" he asked, looking down to see your hand on his arm. you were looking off to the side before looking back up at him. "are you pregnant?" he asked.

you looked at him, tears rolling down yours cheeks suddenly as he tensed up. you wiped the tears away before finally taking a sigh in and releasing it in order to speak.

"no, spence," you said softly. "i'm not pregnant. but i'm just, i'm just constantly jealous and i feel like you don't notice when i say things so i've been just wanting to touch you."

you looked down towards where he was looking.

he was staring at your hand that was on his arm.

you began to move it but reid shook his head, placing his hand on top of yours as you let out a sigh.

"i don't mean to be jealous of people but it's easy for me to size people up so quickly and i don't really understand their full intentions with you and if you'd ever leave me because-" you rambled.

reid pressed his lips to yours in order to stop your rambling. he didn't want to let go of you, his hand resting on the side of your face gently as he kept his lips against yours.

your hands were resting on the sides of his body before he finally let go.

"i would never leave you," he said softly, pressing his lips back to yours momentarily. "i love you far too much and you're the love of my life."

you nodded, wiping away the tears on your cheeks as reid smiled down at you, waiting for you to look up and when you did, you couldn't help but smile.

"do you still want to keep up this whole touchy thing?" he asked gently as you let out a sigh.

"it will probably just go on for a little while longer, spence. i can't truly control my emotions and who knows what will happen. so for the time being, yes, i'll still be all touchy."

he nodded, pulling you in for a hug before pressing his lips to yours once more. when he let go, you walked out of the room with a wide smile on your face.

reid came out after you, running into morgan almost immediately.

"so, is everything okay?" he asked.

"well, she's not pregnant so that's a good thing," reid responded. "and yes, she's fine now. i agreed to let her still be all touchy with me because she really just needs that right now."

morgan raised a brow.

"she's got the whole girl jealousy thing going on," he responded. "i'm just letting her have me all she wants for now until it moves past this."

morgan nodded, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"you sure know her better than i do, kid," he said. "do what's best for her."

reid smiled. "i will."

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