one hundred and sixty six: lost time

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"you know, the timezone between us really isn't the most ideal situation," you muttered over the phone as you stood outside of the bau conference room. "i just miss you a lot."

reid nodded to himself. "i know, and i miss you so much too. maybe you can come visit me soon?"

"how about right now?" you asked him, watching as he got a confused face while the rest of the team began packing things up in the room while reid continued to stay on the phone with you.

"wait, what? what are you talking about?" he asked you softly into the phone.

"i'm outside of the conference room, spence," you said, standing there waiting for him to notice you.

you watched him stand up, looking outside of the window as you waved gently to him, seeing him not even hang up the call but just drop everything as he came out of the room and wrapped you up tightly in his arms.

"oh my god, you're home," he said, burying his face into the crook of your neck as he held you close to him.

you hung up the call as you put your phone back in your pocket before wrapping both of your arms around his neck, closing your eyes as you enjoyed the feeling of reid holding you once more.

"i missed you so much," he said. "i love you so much."

you nodded. "i love you too, spence. those late nights have been lonely without you being there for me. if you only knew the amount of guys that wanted to go home with me and help me forget about you or make up for you."

he tightened his grip on you when you said that.

"i didn't cheat on you, spence," you replied.

"i'm so glad you're home," he said, feeling tears start to come to his eyes but he pushed them down as you continued to hold onto him tightly. "how long will you be here for?"

"they sent me back for two weeks," you replied.

"only two?" he asked.

"it's two weeks that we get to be together, spence. i'm not going to be working as much here as i do in california so i should be able to hopefully see you more."

he nodded, not wanting to let go of you.

"spence," you began. "we should go back to your place."

he nodded, slowly letting go of you as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, moving down to your cheek, before finally placing a kiss on your lips.

when he let go, you smiled up at him.

"we should probably go get all of your stuff," you told him as he nodded, pressing another kiss to your forehead before sliding his hand into yours as he brought you up to the conference room.

"she's home!" he announced as soon as you both entered the room. garcia let out a gasp, coming over and hugging you before reid pulled you back into his hold. "okay, okay, no need to get all grabby here."

you laughed. "spence, you're the one being so grabby. i have never met someone like you, and that's a good thing."

garcia chuckled.

"well, it's good to see you again, _____. how long are you here for?" she asked as reid held you tightly against his body. you held onto his hands as you answered her question.

"two weeks," you replied. she smiled, giving you the sweetest look before congratulating you once more and then proceeding to walk back to her area.

the rest of the team had gone now so you would see them later but reid just wanted you to stay with him tonight and spend all of your time with him.

"_____," he said. "we should make up for that lost time that we didn't have together."

you chuckled, helping him grab his bag and phone as you handed it to him.

"whatever you want to do, spence," you replied, slowly wrapping your arms back around his neck as you held him close. "god, i've missed you so much."

he smiled.

"i can't believe you love me as much as you do," he said. "it's like a dream come true."

you smiled, tightening your grip on him.

"the fact that you're even my boyfriend makes me wonder how i got so lucky every single day. you're such a good boyfriend, spence," you told him. "you're the best boyfriend."

he smiled, pressing a kiss to the side of your head, slipping his hand into yours after he removed your hold from around him.

"i never thought that i'd be getting the best boyfriend award," he replied.

you smiled up at him, holding his hand tightly as you both walked out of the room together.

"you deserve it," you replied. "you're the absolute best boyfriend a girl could ask for."

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