ninety four: any night

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"reid?" you asked as you sat on the couch of your apartment while he was in the kitchen getting some food for the two of you. when he got back into the den, he took a seat next to you as he set the food on the coffee table. when he looked over at you, you were looking forwards at the television. you looked at him as he sat down next to you.

"yeah, what is it?" he asked.

you slid down slightly on the couch before standing up and walking around in front of the television.

"____, hey," he said sweetly as you paced back and forth in front of the television. "hey, what's going on? come here."

you grabbed his hands and pulled him up, bringing him to a standing position before you wrapped your arms underneath his and held him close to you.

"_____, what the hell is going on?" he asked.

you let out a sigh.

"reid," you began. "i've been having really bad nightmares."

he tightened his grip on you.

"____, why haven't you been telling me this?"

"because of your job," you said gently. "i just, i don't want to drag you down with any of this but i think you should stay here tonight."

he nodded. "why couldn't i just move in until these are over?"

"i don't think these will end soon," you told him, your grip on him tighter than what he thought you could hold. "i really think it's best you do move in."

he nodded. "i'll bring my stuff over tomorrow but i'm staying with you tonight."

you nodded, pushing yourself into the crook of his neck as he held back onto you tightly. he was scared of what you were seeing and he wanted to know.

"____, what's going on in these dreams?" he asked you softly as you felt your head start hurting. you didn't like thinking about it all.

"i'm being hurt," you told him. "by one of the guys you told me about from a case. and he's hurting me and doing things to me and-" you had to stop, feeling tears begin to overwhelm your body. "you're staying here tonight, right?"

he nodded. "i already told you i was. are you," he paused, looking down to your head. "are you sure you're okay?"

you kept yourself tight in his hold and in the crook of his neck. he didn't want to let you go now- not after what he had just been told.

that night as you laid asleep in the bed, you were pressed up against his side, your hand intertwined with his.

you were currently sleeping peacefully and reid was hoping that it would stay that way. he couldn't sleep however with the thought of you being hurt in his mind.

he looked over and began observing you.

you had managed to get one of his nicer shirts that he had left here once, and you were sleeping in it. your hair was laid out in no sort of pattern as it simply flowed easily amongst the pillow. your eyes were shut gently, your hand was holding his loosely, meaning that you were asleep and at ease. your body was close to his and he couldn't help but feel more protective of you.

he loved you so much and he couldn't bare to let anything horrible happen to you at all. he couldn't live with himself if it did.

he wouldn't let anything happen to you tonight.

or for any night.

Criminal Minds ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora