eighty six: conversation

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"jeremy, do you know what i do for the fbi?" reid asked as the kid kept slowly sliding his chair away from him and towards the wall behind him. "i study human behavior. like, the way you're moving your chair away from me tells me that what i'm saying is making you uncomfortable."

he looked up at him briefly but looking back down again.

"how old are you?" reid asked.

"thirteen," jeremy answered.

"oh, wow," he said with a light laugh. "when i was thirteen, i was starting to notice girls too. i would get distracted by their looks and the smells of their shampoo and perfume as well. but i was super awkward so i couldn't go up and talk to them."

"why are you telling me this?" jeremy asked as he made eye contact with reid once more. "aren't you supposed to be looking for my cousin right now?"

reid paused before responding. "i am looking for your cousin right now."

"then why are you asking me all of these questions?" he asked.

"why are you avoiding them?" reid asked jeremy right back.

"i just don't know why you're telling me these things about girls because-" he stopped when the two of them heard the door open and you walked into the room to give reid some more information.

"reid," you said, catching his attention as he looked at you with love in his eyes. you gave him a sweet smile before finishing your sentence. "hotch says that they found some more evidence from the dad. i'll send it over to you when i get more."

he nodded, giving you a sweet smile before you left once more. jeremy looked between the two of you before you left and then looked back at reid.

"do you like her?" he asked.

reid let out a small laugh.

"she's, uh," he began. "she's actually my girlfriend."

jeremy cocked his head in confusion.

"really?" he asked.

reid nodded, fiddling with his watch nervously before looking back up at jeremy.

"but anyways, before the interruption," he began. jeremy smiled confused at him and his actions.

"you're nervous," he said as he kept slowly scooting his chair away.

reid cleared his throat. "yes, i am. that's a prime example of how a pretty woman can distract a man and throw them off their senses which i am assuming, is what happened to you."

jeremy bit the inside of his cheek as he turned and looked away from reid.

"it might've happened. but i was paying attention to katie all before that," he said.

reid cleared his throat once more, trying to keep his mind off of you and your ways.

"then can you tell me what happened? because it seems like you're holding something back."

"i'm not," jeremy said before reid got up from his chair and exited the room.

"_____," he said as he found you about to come his direction with the files. "you can't throw me off like that."

"what did i do?" you asked in confusion as he looked at you with a smile.

"your perfume, your eyes, your voice, the way you walked in, the way you dressed- it all threw me off while i was trying to talk to jeremy," he said softly.

"oh, i'm sorry, spence," you told him sweetly. he gave you a sweet smile, pressing his lips briefly to yours.

"it actually was good because i'm pretty sure the thirteen year old was interested in you and i got to shut that down," he said with a proud smile.

"ah, yes, thank you for protecting me from thirteen year olds. but right now we have a missing child," you reminded him as he pressed a kiss to your cheek before following you towards where morgan, j.j., and prentiss all were.

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