thirty: haircut

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"you look like you joined a boy band," hotch said as reid entered the conference room with his new haircut.

"____ would agree," reid muttered as he took a seat across from garcia who was standing at the beginning of the table.

"indeed she would," you said as you walked in behind him. "you left this at home and i figured you needed it."

he looked down at the watch you had in your small hands. he chuckled, grabbing it and wrapping it on. he looked up at you, seeing that you were waiting for something.

"can i talk to you out in the hallway?" reid said softly as you nodded. you turned around and walked out, shuttling the door behind reid.


"i know what you're trying to do," reid said.

you stared up at him, your eyes never leaving his as you tried to pull him into your grasp by a simple gaze.

"yeah? and what's that, pretty boy?"

he tried to look away but he seemed unable to. softly, he muttered something underneath his breath that was inaudible to you.

"hm?" you asked.

without warning, he pulled you onto his lips.

he was never the one to initiate the kisses you two shared but something provided him with more confidence today.

when he let go, your eyes looked up into his.

"where did that sudden urge of confidence come from? you never do that," you replied.

he only smiled, pulling you into his hold as he rested his chin on your head. you hummed sweetly at the contact, enjoying the feeling of having him so close.

"reid, we're discussing the case," morgan said as he peeked his head out.

he nodded, looking over at him briefly before letting go of you. your eyes looked up at him as he began to leave.

"don't worry, we can continue this later," he said.

you smiled.

"i love you, pretty boy. don't go die out there please."

he gave you one last kiss on the forehead before reentering the room.

you smiled.

you were in love with him.

new haircut and all.

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