one hundred and thirteen: getting home

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"hey, sweetie," you said into the phone as you were seated in the police station that was in a different state than yours. "yeah, mommy is still working. i won't be home for a little while so don't do anything scary."

your daughter continued to tell you about her day as you smiled to yourself. when she stopped, she asked you a question in which you smiled at before answering.

"daddy is close by," you responded. "i'll get him on the phone," you told your daughter. you got up from the chair, going into the main room where most of the agents were as you nodded to reid to get him to come out of the room. he did as you said, walking out and seeing you smiling sweetly towards him.

"lydia is on the phone," you told him. "she wants to talk to you now so i said i'd get you for her."

he nodded, taking the phone as you went into the main room with all the agents as you took over reid's role temporarily.

"hey, lyd," reid said softly, hearing her happy, high pitched voice respond back with excitement to hearing his. "yeah, yeah, daddy and mommy are working hard right now. please be careful and just obey ms. carnegie while we're away, okay?"

he earned a happy response before hearing her asking for you again, as he smiled to himself. he nodded you over as you walked out and over to him. you raised your eyebrows in question.

"_____, she wants to talk to you again," he said with a light laugh. you smiled widely to yourself before taking the phone.

"i'll meet you in there once i finish talking with her," you told reid as he nodded, giving you another smile before walking into the room.

"lydia, sweetie," you said gently. "what did you need?"

you listened to her asking you a bunch of questions as you ran a hand through your hair.

"lydia, baby," you began. "mommy and daddy have to go work, angel. we'll be back home very soon. i love you with all of my heart. goodbye, lydia."

you heard her tell you a cheery goodbye as you hung up your phone and put it back into your pocket as you walked back into the room.

hotch looked over at you.

"everything okay?" he asked.

you nodded. "yeah, yeah, everything's fine. lydia is in this phase of wanting to constantly call me and reid but for some reason, it's during the middle of the day when we're working."

hotch nodded as emily laughed.

"i think it's cute! she's wanting to talk to her parents!" she said as you laughed with her before paying attention to the case once more.

"alright, what do we need to be doing about the victimology again?" you asked as emily smiled in your direction while you looked over at reid with a proud smile.

you couldn't want to get home and be with your daughter again.

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