one hundred and seventeen: baby wants & motherly instincts

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this will be based off the previous chapter however, it will be five months in the future from the point of that discussion reid & _____ had:)

also: this isn't really a "part two" to the story because i wanted to make that a "one part" series in a sense while this one is considered another chapter.

you were now five months pregnant after having the discussion with reid about wanting a baby. you two had talked for hours the next night. the night after that, you two had tried. a month later, you had found out that you were pregnant.

it was now your second trimester of being pregnant, and reid was always making sure that you were okay.

it was another day of going to work and j.j. had agreed to stay with you and garcia to work on the case since you didn't want to force yourself into the field currently. you were sitting in the main office at the other police station as you stood up, going over to j.j. to hand her a sheet of paper.

"here's a list of the victims," you told her, rubbing your stomach as you looked over them. "there's a pattern to the victims he kills. they're all women with the first name of amanda. it obviously means something to him."

"what about the men?" she asked you, looking up to see you rubbing your stomach gently still.

"there isn't any pattern. it's just if there's a guy with the girl then they get killed. it's not even overkill on the guy, just a single shot to the heart or the head," you told her. "the women however, get overkill on their genitalia, stomach, and face."

j.j. furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"why would he do overkill on their stomach?"

"it might have to deal with the fact that a majority of these women went to sperm banks. they weren't either in a relationship with the man they were seen with or just not in a relationship. the women also tried to get pregnant before."

"did any of them lose their baby?" j.j. asked you. you hesitantly looked down towards your pregnant stomach before looking back up again. you cleared your throat before speaking.

"uh, yeah," you began, stumbling on your words a little bit. "the first victim lost her baby due to miscarriage. the second victim lost her baby as a result of being put into prison after raping one of her students. the third victim lost her baby as a result of the child being taken away into a foster's parents care."

"so, are we sure that it's a man killing these victims?" j.j. asked you while you sat down, your feet beginning to hurt as you ankles swelled a little more.

you looked through the photos on the board one more time before responding.

"if we changed it to a woman who's killing these victims, it would make more sense. she might not have been able to conceive a child or she might have lost hers as a result of something much like the foster parents. that would make sense why she's stabbing the women's stomachs as a result. it's a symbol of her infertility and the overkill on the race might symbolize the reasoning of losing her baby."

j.j. nodded. "i'm going to give these to hotch and see if he knows anything else. thanks, _____."

you nodded, sitting back in your chair as you ran a hand over your stomach. you swallowed thickly, thinking of what happened to the women that had been murdered as a result of not being able to provide a baby to the woman who wanted one.

"_____," morgan said as he walked into the room. you felt tears coming to your eyes as you tried to hold them back. you needed to talk to reid. "can you read me the names off that list?"

you kept rubbing your hand over your stomach, staring at the victims photos at the crime scenes of their murders.

"_____?" morgan asked you again as you felt a tear begin to roll down your cheek. you didn't want him to know you were crying but this was intense and a lot to realize since you had gotten pregnant very recently.

"morgan, how am i going to do this?" you asked him, finally turning around to face him. "how am i going to take care of a baby, make sure reid is okay, and take care of myself and other people?"

morgan sat down in front of you, grabbing one of your hands in his as your watery eyes looked into his.

"_____, you are so strong for being able to come and do this job while being pregnant," he began. "you are incredible and i think that everyone sees that. you and reid will be okay, he'll help you. and we can definitely still do our job with you not here- even though you're one of the most essential and liked members of the team."

you looked down towards your stomach before looking back up at the pictures.

"what if something happens to me?" you asked. "i'm sorry, i just really wanted to talk to spence right now."

"talk to me about what?" reid asked as he came into the room and took the seat that morgan was sitting in before he got up when reid came into the room.

"how am i going to do this?" you asked him. "how am i going to be able to take care of this baby, you, me, and other people?"

he grabbed your free hand that wasn't on your stomach as he clutched onto it, sitting close to you.

"_____, you know how much i love you."

you nodded. "yeah, i do. i love you too, spence."

"then that's all you need," he said with a smile, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "all you need is to remember how much i love you and you can do this."

you smiled at him. "you always know what to say."

he nodded. "of course," he replied with a smile. "i have to in order to talk you through so many different situations. especially because you're pregnant now."

you nodded.

"thank you, spence," you said softly as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "i love you."

"i love you too, angel. now, let's get back to work. you've been doing better than i have with figuring out the reasons why for the murders."

you chuckled. "it's motherly instinct and the best damn training from the fbi."

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