twenty one: pregnant

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"j.j., can i talk to you for a minute?" you asked, peeking into the room. she nodded, setting down her case file that she was looking through.

"what's up?"

you came in, not being able to take a seat because of how nervous you were of finally telling someone. you had known for several days now.

"j.j., i'm pregnant," you told her.

she smiled, standing up and walking over to you. "congratulations! who's the father?"

you couldn't look her in the eye. you were so not ready for anyone to find out that you and reid were dating, even though it had been going on for about two years.

"____? everything okay?"

you nodded, closing the door.

"uh," you started. "reid's the father."

j.j. just continued to stare at you with a confused look on her face. "reid?"

you nodded. "we've been dating for about two years now, and we didn't want this to happen so early on."

"wait, you two have been dating for two years? and hotch hasn't found out yet?" she asked you.

you shook your head. "nope."

she sighed, biting her lip while she thought about everything you had just told her.

"why didn't you tell anyone that you two were dating?"

you sighed, running your hand through your hair. "because, j.j., hotch would make us break up because of company policy. and if we were forced to break up, i'd have to raise this kid on my own and i love reid, i can't break up with him."

she nodded. "especially not with that baby coming."

you copied her actions, letting out a sigh.

"i just won't tell anyone. i just won't tell anyone and we have anything to worry about."

she nodded, patting your shoulder. "if that's what you think is best. have you told reid yet?"

you shook your head. "i'm about to."


"reid, can i talk to you for a second?"

he turned to look at you, nodding his head as he got up and followed you off to a private side of the entire b.a.u.

morgan watched as you two walked away, noting how reid stood close to you as if he didn't want you to leave his sight.

he began to walk closer to listen but neither of you noticed that.

"reid," you started. "i'm pregnant."

morgan stood back a few feet from where you two were and stood shocked. you were pregnant?

"pregnant?" reid asked, his voice filled with nerves. "like, actually pregnant?"

you nodded, biting your lip as you continued to stare down at the ground.

"and reid, we can't let anyone hear about this. i only told j.j. because i trust her and i need a woman to talk to during this. but we can't let anyone else know. at least not now."

reid nodded, pulling you in for a hug as he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before holding onto you.

"i'm so nervous."

"about being caught?" reid asked.

you nodded. "yeah, and being pregnant."


"when were you going to tell everyone that you and reid are not only together but pregnant with a baby?" morgan asked you, causing you to stop where you were walking.

you felt it all shatter in your body.

"who told you that?" you questioned, holding onto the case files tighter. you were anxious.

reid hadn't told, did he?

what about j.j.?

"i overheard you and reid talking," morgan said. you felt your stomach drop. you didn't want anyone to hear about this.

"i can't have anyone figuring this out. hotch will make reid and me break up. and i can't raise this child by myself."

"i don't think he'll make you break up but i do think he'll bring up the company policy. we're all going to be there for you, ____. i can see how much reid loves you and how much you love him, and if hotch wants you two to break up- one of you is bound to quit in order to be with the other."

you nodded, letting loose on the case files.

morgan led you into the conference room.


"guys, ____ has an announcement," morgan said as you stood up in front of the team. reid was looking intently at you while you smiled over at him. j.j. tried to keep a smile off her face to hide any hint of what she knew but she couldn't.

"i'm pregnant," you told them.

garcia jumped up and immediately embraced you in a tight hug. "oh my god, ____!"

rosse smiled over at you. "congratulations, ____."

"who's the father?" hotch asked.

you knew this question was coming directly after that announcement. you bit your lip anxiously.

"uh, reid," you told them.

garcia looked over towards reid, seeing his eyes staring at you in admiration. she smiled.

"oh my god, you guys! congratulations once again and you better name this child after me," she said as you let out a soft chuckle.

"how long has this been going on?" hotch asked. you looked over towards reid who only nodded.

"two years," you said.

emily laughed. "oh my god, you two have kept a relationship secret for two years?"

you nodded. "i don't want to be ordered off the team. i still want to work on these cases but if you need me to resign, i will."

hotch stood up, nodding to you to go outside.

you did as he said, watching as he shut the door behind him.

"you know it's against company policy to date employees in the same bureau, ____."

you nodded. "i know."

he sighed. "i won't make you turn in your badge but be careful. congratulations."

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