fifty nine: worried

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brief author's note:

i'm dumb & forgot to italicize the texts between you & reid so i fixed it haha:)

you sat on the plane, reading over the many victims' profiles in this one case. your eyes wandered over many words and over several photos. you cocked your head, considering different possibilities.

"hey, ____," morgan said, taking a seat next to you. you smiled up at him before looking back down towards the crime scene photos. he looked down at your phone that was constantly going off with messages from reid. "where is he?" morgan asked.

"he's at a doctor's appointment," you muttered, flipping over a sheet of paper as you continued to read the logistics and situations within the crime that was committed. "he'll be joining us later."

morgan nodded.

"why is he at the doctor?" he asked, furrowing his brow in question and confusion. you closed the folder as you reached for your phone to respond to reid's messages.

"he's been having headaches," you muttered before looking up abruptly in guilt. "oh my god," you told him. "please do not tell him that i told you. he doesn't want anyone to know anything about it all except me."

morgan cocked his head in confusion. "why's that? how long has this been going on for?"

you ran a hand messily through your hair as you looked through reid's texts that he had sent you.

"about a week," you muttered as you began reading the texts. your eyes examined the many words he wrote out to you.


hey, darling. the doctor said that there isn't anything wrong with me which makes no sense considering i'm super sensitive to light & i'm dizzy. i just don't understand what's going on. he said to consider that i might be crazy.


crazy??? oh, honey. i don't think so. i think it's the work getting to you...


do you think so?


maybe. when are you going to be here? we could really use you on this case.


i'm leaving now so i'll be there in about three hours. where do i need to meet you?


hotch said that me & morgan would be going out in the case. he wanted you to stay at the station and examine crime scene photos. is that okay?


yeah, that's perfectly fine. i'll see you soon, love.



when you locked your phone, you sighed as you laid back in the chair while morgan stared at you.

"is he joining us?" he questioned. you nodded, twirling a piece of hair around your finger while you thought about everything that was going on. it had to be this job getting to reid- he wasn't crazy.

you felt the plane landing as you gathered everything you needed before responding to morgan.

"he'll be here in three hours."

he smiled, giving you a light hug as you smiled.

"i'm sure he's okay," morgan told you before letting go and going to get his folder and bag from the other seat as he exited the plane with everyone else.

you nodded.

"i'm sure he is too."

when you arrived back at the station from the crime scene that you had gone over with morgan and rossi, you saw reid writing on the board.

"you're here!" you exclaimed in happiness as butterflies formed in your chest when your eyes landed on his. you walked over to him, giving him a tight hug before letting go and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

"so," you muttered. "tonight we need to talk about the headaches, honey."

he nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek before you walked back over to where morgan was to observe the crime scene details once more.

you couldn't get your mind off of it.

that night at home, you changed into your sweatpants and grabbed one of reid's t shirts and slid it over your body. you laid down on the bed, twirling a piece of your hair around your finger once more.

"hey, ____," he called out in the apartment. "where is- oh wait, i found it. never mind."

you smiled to yourself as you felt the bed dip beside you as reid turned on the television and sat back on the pillows. you sat up as well, sitting on the edge of the bed as you ran a hand through your hair.

"hey," reid said softly. "come here, sweetheart."

you did as he said, going over to him and laying down on his chest as you situated yourself between his legs. your hand immediately intertwined itself with his as you let out a sigh.

"what's up?" he asked you.

your eyes looked towards the television before you decided to answer.

"i'm worried about you," you told him honestly. "i just- i just don't want to see you being in pain all the time. i saw you on that case in miami. you looked like you were having some really bad headaches."

he let out a sigh, ignoring the television as his focus was now fully on you. your eyes were still watching the television as you kept a frown on your lips.

"_____," he muttered, tightening his grip around you and holding your hand a little bit tighter. "i'm alright. i have medication that the doctor prescribed to me so i'm okay. i just need rest and i just need you."

you nodded, pressing yourself back further into his grasp as he felt his heart pound at your actions.

"i need to protect you from harm," you said.

he smiled, not being able to keep it inside.

"no, no, darling," reid chuckled. "my job is to protect you and that's what i'm intending to do. you can go to sleep if you need to. you're tired- i know you are. i will protect you, i won't let anyone harm you as long as you are with me. i've got you."

you felt yourself growing more sleepy the more he told you that you could fall asleep. it's true, you hadn't been sleeping well ever since you had learned about these headaches he was having.

"it's okay," he muttered. you felt yourself become completely limp as you fell asleep against his chest. he tightened his grip more around you.

his job was to protect you- and that's what he was intending on doing. he wouldn't dare let any harm come to you while you were resting.

he adored you.

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