one hundred and fifteen: good reason

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- mentions of drugs, depression, beatings

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you had been abducted.

the days were long and felt empty. they were constantly followed with regular beatings when you answered a question wrong and yet, they were filled with constant personal questions about your favorite things, places, and people.

you had been fed very limited food and limited water was provided to you. you had drugs injected into your system that made you feel a large sense of euphoria; however, they made you consistently pass out afterwards and earn some unhappy rewards in the process such as self doubt, untrustworthy traits in others, and depression.

it had been a week since you had been abducted.

"any luck on finding her?" reid asked the team as he came into the room from working all night. he looked like a wreck, and clearly others noticed this.

"reid, did you stay up all night?" j.j. asked him as he continued to look through the different clues provided to the team by this man that had taken you.

"i have to find my _____. i can't let her be hurt anymore and the longer i stay awake searching for her- the sooner i'll find her. it's been a week, jennifer, and i need her back to me," he responded without looking up.

hotch looked over at her as he cleared his throat before replying with some new information he had learned.

"we're thinking he took her to an area within this thirty mile radius," he told reid as he came up to the map with a photo of the house and the hunting house that the unsub went to with his family on vacations.

"we need to narrow this area down," reid said as he pinned the photos. morgan glanced towards j.j. as they conversed with their eyes before looking back towards reid. "she's gotta be closer than this."

hotch nodded. "garcia is searching databases now for hunting licenses provided in this radius," he said. "we'll find her, reid."

he nodded, continuing to stare at the map.

"we have to," he said. "she can't die."

"morning, sunshine," the man said as he squatted down in front of you. you slowly sat up, leaning against the wall of the cage you were in as you looked up towards the man. "how you feeling?"

you felt like you couldn't respond, purely out of fear for your life and you knew that if you answered something wrong, he'd inject the drugs into your body once more. you couldn't handle the depression of loss after the effects faded.

"i'm thirsty," you said softly, not wanting to make eye contact with the man. he handed you a bottle of water before stroking your face with his finger as he observed you. you felt yourself begin to shake as you slowly made eye contact with him.

"you're so pretty," he muttered as he continued to stroke your cheek with his finger. "glad i get to keep you to myself."

when you felt his finger leave your face and he walked out of the cage, you drank the water he gave you. you sat back, wishing you could have reid.

you were scared of what this man would do to you since he hadn't killed you and it had been a week since your abduction. if the team hadn't found you by now, would they ever?

you tried not to think about it.

"it's time," the man said as he came into the cell. you felt your body growing tense as you saw the needle. your scared eyes looked up into his as he got down on his knees as grabbed your arm gently.

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