one hundred and seventy one: drunken confessions

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"i would like to make a toast!" you exclaimed, getting up on the bar as garcia laughed along with prentiss and morgan. you had agreed to go out with them and reid was staying home right now to wait for you.

prentiss stared up at you as garcia noticed all the guys suddenly noticing and turning to face you. some women looked as well.

"i want to make a toast to this awesome bar! because i haven't had a good drink in a long time but they did this!" you said, spinning around as you nearly fell.

morgan stood up, ready to catch you if he needed to since reid wasn't here to do so.

"so, thank you!" you exclaimed. "everyone have a good night and cheers!" you finished, feeling yourself suddenly beginning to fall backwards as a random guy caught you.

he held onto you, looking down at you with a small smirk of a smile.

"hey, good thing i caught you," he muttered as you stood up from off of him, walking over to garcia and giving her a drunken smile. "you must be an angel if you fell from up there!" he said as you walked away.

morgan sighed, sitting to where he could protect you from the guy.

"alright, i think we need to get ______ home. reid is probably not wanting to stay up late to wait for her and then to help her," morgan said as garcia stood you up, allowing you to hold onto her for balance.

"reid?" you asked aloud, setting down your drink. "i love him."

even through your drunken state, morgan and the girls could see it. they could hear it very clearly in your voice that you in fact were in love with him. all of him.

"time to get you home to him," garcia said as you smiled, not being able to stop.

they could all see it.

knocking on your shared apartment door, reid opened it to see a very drunk yet very tired you. garcia and morgan were with you as prentiss was waiting in the car to take the other two teammates home.

reid smiled at you, extending his arms out as you broke free from the grip of your two friends and pushed yourself into his hold.

"she loves you, kid," morgan said as garcia nodded with a large smile on her lips in an agreement with what morgan said. "she really does."

"i've never seen someone love someone as much as she does," garcia said. "it's so cute!"

reid smiled, gently rubbing your back as you tightened your grip on him.

"we'll see you tomorrow," morgan said, looking at you one last time before the two of them left the building.

reid shut the door as you continued to hold onto him tightly.

"why do you keep going out and getting wasted like this, sweetheart?" he asked softly.

you hummed out a small, tired groan.

"come on, you need to get to bed," he said softly as he set you down on the bed. you looked up at him with a smile.

"i love you," you said to him.

he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"i love you too," he replied before helping you get water and set out medication for the next morning as you fell asleep.

"how's the head?" garcia asked as you kept the sunglasses over your eyes.

"i don't even remember anything that happened," you muttered.

"well, you had a lot of drinks. some guy tried to hit on you at the bar but you ignored him. probably because you admitted to reid that you loved him."

you took the sunglasses off your eyes, looking at her through the pain of the light.

"what?" you asked her.

"had you two not said it yet?" she asked hesitantly.

you shook your head, running a hand through your hair as you slipped the glasses back over your eyes.

"did he say he loved me back?" you asked, frightened.

"i'm not sure. it happened after we left," she told you, causing you to nod as you let out a sigh.

"i need to talk to him," you muttered.

garcia nodded, letting you go off to find him.

when you did, you took a seat next to him at his little desk space. he looked over at you after finishing the page of his book.

"how's your head?" he asked gently.

you sat back in the chair, laughing softly.

"it's a little rough, i don't remember much," you said. "apparently i told you that i loved you."

you waited for his reaction as he kept smiling at you.

"you did," he said, sitting back in his chair as well. you slid the glasses up to keep your hair back, closing your eyes momentarily.

"what did you say back?" you asked him.

he grabbed your hand in his, pulling you closer to him.

"i love you too," he said softly with a cheesy grin. you felt a wave of relief flood over you.

"oh thank god," you replied.

"did you think that i didn't love you?" he asked.

"i was drunk last night," you said softly. "so i wasn't exactly sure if you thought i meant it or not."

"well, do you?" he asked as you immediately nodded. "then i obviously don't have anything to worry about."

he stood up, holding onto your hand still before pressing a kiss to your forehead. you looked up at him as he ran his thumb across your cheek softly before walking off.

you smiled to yourself, feeling blush overwhelm your cheeks.

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