one hundred and fifty six: soft eyes

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"the fbi would greatly appreciate it if people would stop making false claims to get their fifteen minutes of fame," you said in front of the cameras as the man next to you continued to stare. when you walked away from the cameras after they turned off, you ran a hand through your hair.

"well," the man said softly. "you sure are feisty."

you turned around from your walk towards reid as you furrowed your eyebrows in response to his statement.

"making false claims isn't going to do anything but hurt our case, you replied to him before turning back around to continue walking over towards reid.

the man followed you.

when you got close to where reid was, you turned back around with a sigh.

"what the hell else do you want?" you asked.

"your number would be great," the man said as he put his hands in his pockets while waiting for you to hand it over to him. you looked off to the side as you suddenly felt reid's arm around your waist.

you smiled to yourself, feeling reid pulling you closer to him as the guy looked between the two of you.

"oh, shit," he muttered. "i'm so sorry, dude."

"for what? that false claim or hitting on my girlfriend?" reid asked the guy as you continued to keep yourself close to reid.

the guy cleared his throat awkwardly as he tried not to think about it too much.

"yeah, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to botch your case or anything. i just had a gut feeling," he muttered. "and sorry for hitting on your girl, dude."

you cleared your throat, looking up at the guy.

"yeah, okay, buddy," reid muttered as he continued to look at you. "maybe take your staring eyes somewhere else."

you couldn't stop smiling to yourself.

"hey, look, dude," the guy muttered. "don't get so uptight."

reid cleared his throat, holding onto you tighter as you couldn't help but continue to grow soft into his hold. you looked down towards reid's hand that was holding tightly onto your waist as you looked back up to see the guy still standing there.

"can you just leave us alone?" you asked him as both of the men looked down towards you. you gave the man softish eyes in order to let him know to leave you both alone.

the guy nodded.

"okay," he said, backing away slowly he. "i'll head out. sorry about everything."

you nodded, feeling reid's grip not loosen.

"he's gone now, spence," you muttered as he nodded.

"did you do your soft eyes on him?" he asked.

you looked up at him, giving him the softest eyes that you had ever given him before in your life. reid smiled widely to himself, clearing his throat as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"____, you can't be doing this to me," he muttered against your forehead. "but you better be keeping those soft eyes only for me."

you nodded, pulling him close to you as you slid your arms underneath his. he didn't hesitate to hold back onto you.

"why would i ever look at someone else the way that i look at you, spence?" you asked him gently.

he smiled to himself.

"good," he said softly. "we should probably get going to solve this case but i love you."

"i love you too," you replied, pressing a kiss to his cheek before the two of you walked inside of the building.

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