thirty seven: make it

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"you're home early," you said to reid as he walked in through the door and straight into the kitchen. you turned around from where you were sitting on the couch, resting your arms on the cushion and laying your head down on top of them as you stared at the doorway until he came back out.

when he walked back out, you could see the anger and betrayal in his eyes and his body language.

he looked over at you but then looked away.

"reid? everything okay?" you asked him sweetly. usually he was okay, usually he didn't show signs of this.

"i spent ten weeks crying over emily and not once did anyone have the audacity to say something about the truth to me."

you lifted your head from your arms, your focus now fully alerted on the entrance of the topic he decided to speak about.

"you can't beat yourself up over this."

he shook his head, crossing his arms as he stared up towards the ceiling.

"i'm not."

you continued to stare at him until he came over to where you were sitting on the couch. he took a seat beside you, looking at the floor while he sat on the edge of the cushion.

"you clearly are."

he shook his head.

"do you know how many times i considered taking my drug again? how many times i really thought about doing it?" he questioned you.

you felt a helpless tear roll down your cheek. you couldn't help it. the last ten weeks had been hell for reid and you knew it.

when he noticed that you were sitting facing the doorway still, a few tears running down your cheeks, he immediately began talking up a storm.

"oh my god, ____, i didn't mean to make you cry. you know i wouldn't ever do that. what did i say that hurt you? what did i say-"

"reid," you said. it stopped him right in his tracks as he stared over at you. silently, you turned your head to look at him before just shoving yourself into his arms as you held onto him. you rested your face in the crook of his neck while your arms held on tightly.

"you cannot beat yourself up and as your girlfriend, i'm saying that you shouldn't be mad at j.j. and emily for what they did when they clearly had to."

reid held back onto you, keeping your small body close to his in protection. he had grown more protective of you now because of your abduction a few days after emily's funeral.

you held back onto him before letting loose a little, not to reid's approval, to look at him in the eyes.

"and please don't ever say that you considered those drugs again. i can't stand to lose you," you told him sweetly.

he nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before holding back tightly onto you.

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